The Technology Partn3Ring webinar series showcases technologies with 3Rs potential to the wider scientific community to identify new partners for further development, qualification and use. Webinars consist of short pitches outlining the 3Rs technologies and unique opportunities for collaboration.
Future webinars
Our next Technology Partn3Ring webinar will be focused on cardiovascular technologies with 3Rs potential. If you have a technology in this area that you would like to share please complete the presentation form or email us at to discuss this directly.
Researchers in this area can also engage with our Cardiovascular Network that supports scientists from across sectors to establish collaborations and catalyses the uptake of 3Rs technologies.
Present a collaboration opportunity
You should consider presenting at a future Technology Partn3Ring webinar if your technology, tool or service has the potential to deliver 3Rs benefits and:
You are seeking collaborators to support the further development required to achieve this and maximise the scientific, commercial and animal welfare benefits of your approach
- You are seeking users of your technology to realise the 3Rs impacts of your approach.
Presentations are welcome from researchers and technology developers from across the life science sector, including academia and SMEs.
If you are interested in presenting please complete the brief Technology Partn3Ring presentation form below. Potential speakers should summarise the need for collaboration, including a short description of the technology, its potential applications and 3Rs impacts and the type of expertise that is sought. Once the completed form has been submitted we will be in touch to discuss presentation opportunities.
Complete the Technology Partn3Ring presentation form:
Showcased technologies
November's webinar showcased:
- An in silico platform allowing users to conduct virtual drug and medical device trials (InSilicoTrials)
- Simply Predict - in silico methods to support environmental & human toxicology and risk assessment (CEHTRA)
- A microphysiological system of muscle and nerve connectivity to investigate neuromuscular diseases and assess potential therapeutics (QMUL)
- A handheld device to easily measure 3D objects for use in pre-clinical cancer research (Verinnogen)
Presentations from developers seeking collaborators:
- An in vitro platform to assess deep lung toxicity (ImmuOne, July 2023)
- Artificial intelligence-driven predictive toxicity (ConsoneAI, July 2023)
- Predictive cardiotoxicity assessment (InoCardia, July 2023)
- Advanced isolated living organ systems to de-risk preclinical research (PBLBio, July 2023)
ImmuONE: An in vitro platform to assess deep lung toxicity
ImmuONE provide a range of in vitro models focused on inhalation safety assessment and are aiming to expand and test their systems for translational and toxicity needs. Find about more about the technology on their website.
ConsoneAI: predicting toxicological outcomes for chemical structures
ConsoneAI are seeking collaborators from cardiovascular and oncology therapeutic areas to validate their in silico prediction platform and can be contacted through their website.
InoCardia: In vivo Human As The Tox Species - Towards A Predictive In Silico Model Of Human Cardiovascular Tox For Early Drug Discovery
Inocardia have developed an in silico cardiovascular model to predict toxicity in drug discovery and are looking to collaborate with researchers from industry or academia to for the predictive power of the platform.
Pebble Biotechnology: Next-generation LIVING-ORGAN systems to accelerate and de-risk pre-clinical research
Pebble provide ex vivo living organ and tissue perfusion systems with real-time monitoring and are open to partnerships with any organisation to accelerate pre-clinical testing of new therapies.
Working with the National Centre for Universities and Business we have been using its konfer platform for technology partnering to accelerate the commercial readiness of technologies with 3Rs potential by providing a route for academics and SMEs to showcase their models and tools to the wider scientific community to identify new partners and customers for further development, validation and use.