Institutional framework for the 3Rs
Most institutions conducting animal research will have policies on animal research and the 3Rs. Institutional responsibilities for providing a framework and culture for the 3Rs should not be onerous or resource intensive and many organisations will already have the basics in place. The goal should be to ensure that the 3Rs are actively developed and applied at all stages of the research process – from the design and conduct of experiments through to dissemination and reporting.
The NC3Rs is committed to developing a range of resources to support the promotion and implementation of the 3Rs. Here we provide a simple checklist of seven related principles that all research institutions should adopt or consider.
You can download the checklist questions as a PDF for easy sharing or printing.
Download the guidance as a PDF for easy sharing or printing.
In 2021 we produced more detailed guidance on developing and implementing an institutional 3Rs strategy.

We have developed free-to-use interactive tools to benchmark activities and identify new 3Rs opportunities.