A webinar series from The Togeth3R Consortium of European 3Rs centres showcasing non-animal methods.

A webinar series from The Togeth3R Consortium of European 3Rs centres showcasing non-animal methods.
Resources and activities around NAMs (replacement technologies used to assess drug and chemical safety).
Join our community of researchers, developers, industry and regulatory end-users working together to accelerate the use of new approach methodologies.
Learn more about what NAMs are and how they can be applied to progress the 3Rs.
Hear the winning and highly commended researchers present their prize-winning research.
Information and support for the adoption of alternative approaches and technologies.
Webinar showcasing ongoing and novel initiatives that replace, reduce and/or refine fish acute toxicity studies.
Find opportunities to collaborate on 3Rs projects via our innovation brokerage platform.
Information and guidance on replacing animal-derived reagents and products to improve reproducibility and reduce animal use.
Resources and information on the innovative technologies available to replace animal-derived scaffolds.
A webinar series from a cross-European group of 3Rs centres exploring the challenges and opportunities of replacing BMEs.
10 years of CRACK IT webinar: The Human In Vitro Gene Therapy Genotoxicity Testing service.
10 years of CRACK IT webinar: A physiological-competent and predictive human 3D retinal cell model.
Resources and case studies about the technologies available to replace animal-derived antibodies.
Resources to support the use of animal-free enzyme technologies and cells.
Resources and information about animal-free cell culture media reagents for 3Rs benefits and improved reproducibility.
10 years of CRACK IT webinar: A human stem cell-based in vitro system to assess cardiotoxicity in new drugs.
10 years of CRACK IT webinar: The NephroScreen human kidney-on-a-chip platform, which could replace in vivo nephrotoxicity studies in drug development
10 years of CRACK IT webinar: an in silico platform developed to model chronic Leishmania infection.
10 years of CRACK IT webinar: A C. elegans platform to assess the developmental and reproductive toxicity (DART) potential of chemicals.
A showcase of organ-on-a-chip research funded by the NC3Rs, highlighting the technology's scientific and 3Rs benefits.
Overview of the scientific and welfare benefits of moving to animal-free antibodies and affinity reagents, including EURL ECVAM recommendations.
Resources to help researchers access and use human tissue.