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NC3Rs: National Centre for the Replacement Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research

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188 results

Quarterly e-newsletter to keep the scientific community updated on news from the NC3Rs Toxicology and Regulatory Sciences programme.

Tox news tile

Using exposure science to refine and reduce animal use, and support the uptake of new approach methodologies

A lister hooded rat (black head white body) seen in a standard rat housing cage. The rat is standing on a plastic box and is looking out of the open cage lid.

Our self-assessment tools are currently under redevelopment. Find out more about this project and our future plans.

Icon of a checklist with "3Rs" enlarged by a magnifying glass

Bringing researchers together to exchange information, support collaborations and share technologies to maximise 3Rs impacts in oncology research.

A graphic showing a network of circles, the three in the centre feature icons depicting cancer cells, chemotherapy drugs and DNA

Guidance, information and recommendations for those working with zebrafish.


Join our community of researchers, developers, industry and regulatory end-users working together to accelerate the use of new approach methodologies.

Graphic showing some of the range of applications of NAMs

Learn more about what NAMs are and how they can be applied to progress the 3Rs.

Decorative image