Open funding calls
Deadline: 19 September, 16.00
Our funding schemes
Awards for developing, characterising and testing new 3Rs models, methods, tools and technologies.
Training for graduate students in the development and use of 3Rs approaches.
Bridging the gap between 3Rs model development and wider uptake.
Establishing the infrastructure needed to accelerate use of non-animal methods.
Characterising and validating the use of non-animal derived reagents and products for use in in vitro research.
Supporting market exploration for emerging technologies, products and services with 3Rs impacts.
Challenge-led competition funding collaborations between industry, academics and SMEs to solve business and scientific Challenges to deliver 3Rs benefits.
Awards for NC3Rs-funded students and post-docs for 3Rs outreach, skill development and networking activities.
In celebration of our 20-year anniversary, our public engagement awards are open to all 3Rs-minded scientists.
Sign up to the NC3Rs newsletter for updates on funding schemes.
Applicant guidance and information
Information and guidance on the application process for each of our schemes.
Top tips and advice from our Funding team to help applicants.
Guidance for grant holders
Details of how we support our grant holders.
Expectations around reporting the outputs and outcomes of your research.
Specific T&Cs for each of our funding schemes.
Data and reports
Analysis of our funding schemes using data from researchfish®.
Post-award information including Panel outcome reports and award success rates.