An introduction for early career and postdoctoral researchers, applicable to both in vivo and in vitro experiments.

An introduction for early career and postdoctoral researchers, applicable to both in vivo and in vitro experiments.
Overview of the scientific and welfare benefits of moving to animal-free antibodies and affinity reagents, including EURL ECVAM recommendations.
How to recognise and prevent pain, suffering and distress in laboratory animals.
Ensuring best practice in anaesthesia for minor procedures.
A webinar for in vivo researchers or students with limited or no experience of systematic reviews.
Factors to consider prior to anaesthesia of laboratory animals.
How to choose appropriate anaesthetic agents and regimens.
Why and how to monitor anaesthetised animals.
Use of different anaesthetic breathing systems, airway management, and neuromuscular blocking drugs.
Managing anaesthesia and what can be done to prevent problems.
Recovery from anaesthesia and post-anaesthetic support.
Post-operative pain relief for laboratory animals, including selecting and using analgesics.
Recognising pain and assessing its severity in laboratory animals following surgery.
To support the adoption of non-aversive methods for picking up mice, we have produced an A2-sized poster for display.
Professor Jane Hurst and Mr John Waters answer your questions about the refined handling techniques.
The Fish Behaviour Index (FBI) is an automated tool to monitor the behaviour of singly housed zebrafish.
The welfare benefits of double-decker rodent cages in allowing rats to engage in natural behaviours.
Expectations of the major UK research council and charitable funding bodies for those working with vertebrates in biosciences research.
A video tutorial for technical staff and researchers in how to handle mice using non-aversive methods.
Dr Simon Bate, from Statistical Sciences, GSK, covers a few questions about statistics and the 3Rs that he regularly encounters.
A recorded talk highlighting where bias can be introduced into experiments and the implications for results.
A recorded talk explaining the dangers of underpowered experiments and how good design can increase the chances of finding reliable results.
Discussing key considerations when determining the effect size for a study, including why this is important for sample size calculations.