Registration Details

Our annual International 3Rs Prize, sponsored by GSK*, recognises exceptional science with a significant 3Rs impact.
Attendees will hear from this year's winner, Dr Francesco Nevelli, about how he and the team at Merck developed an in vitro assay to replace the use of animals in testing follicle-stimulating hormone product potency. Dr Lorna Ewart, Emulate, will also present how ‘Liver-Chips’, organ-on-a-chip devices, were able to determine liver toxicity with a high degree of sensitivity, minimising the need to use animal models from their highly commended paper.
Read more about the winning papers in our news item: Non-animal method with regulatory approval for evaluating hormone potency awarded 3Rs Prize.
Winning paper
- Nevelli F et al. (2023). Biological Assay to Determine Gonadotropin Potency: From In Vivo to In Vitro Sustainable Method. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24(9): 8040.
Highly commended paper
- Ewart L et al. (2022). Performance assessment and economic analysis of a human Liver-Chip for predictive toxicology. Commun Med 2, 154.
*The winning researcher is awarded a £28k grant and a £2k personal award. The highly commended winner receives a £4k grant and a £1k personal award. A £20k contribution towards the winning grant is provided by GSK with all remaining funds, including the personal award made by the NC3Rs.