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NC3Rs: National Centre for the Replacement Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research

Environmental monitoring for rodent health surveillance


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Health surveillance is necessary to ensure that mouse colonies remain free of adventitious infectious agents. Healthy animals are necessary to maintain high standards of animal welfare and to support high quality, robust research and safety data.

Traditionally, sentinel mice have been used for health surveillance. However, many institutions are now using molecular-based diagnostics combined with environmental monitoring strategies to either supplement or replace the need for maintaining additional animals for this purpose. In addition to reducing or replacing the use of sentinel mice, environmental monitoring can improve the detection of pathogens and the accuracy of results while also reducing workload and costs. Dr Kerith Luchins, DVM, DACLAM (The University of Chicago) and Dr Megan LaFollette, PhD (NA3RsC) will discuss the practicalities of implementing environmental monitoring for both rack-level filtration systems and cage-level options.

This webinar is suitable for animal technicians and anyone who wants to learn more about using environmental monitoring strategies for rodent health surveillance.

The webinar recording is now available to watch online.