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NC3Rs: National Centre for the Replacement Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research

Funding opportunity: Accelerating the development of next generation non-animal technologies


Registration Details

Event date and time
96-well plate

The BBSRC and NC3Rs are collaborating to fund projects that drive the development and uptake of non-animal technologies for bioscience research, including complex 3D tissue models, organ-on-chips / microphysiological systems, stem cell platforms, and in silico / computational tools. 

A total of £4M will be available to fund alternatives to in vivo models for bioscience research.

In this webinar, Drs Rachel Eyre (NC3Rs), Sarah Hartwell (NC3Rs) and Danielle Sagar (BBSRC) will give a presentation describing:

  • The overall aims of the joint funding call.
  • The remit, including example research areas.
  • Eligibility criteria.
  • How to submit a competitive application.
  • Timelines for application and funding decisions.

There will also be an opportunity to ask questions after the webinar presentation. If you have questions that are specific to your project, please email

Register now on Zoom

If you are unable to attend this webinar, a recording will be made available after the presentation date.

Further resources 

For further information about this joint funding call, please see the funding page where details, including how to apply, can be found.