Registration Details
Event date and time
The World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences
Niagara Falls, Canada
The twelfth World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences will be held in Niagara Falls, Canada with the theme '3Rs over the edge: regulatory acceptance and next-gen education'.
Several members of the NC3Rs team will be attending, chairing sessions and delivering talks and posters:
Dr Anthony Holmes (Director of Science and Technology)
- Poster: Bringing quality control and batch release testing of biologicals into the 21st century
Dr Elliot Lilley (Programme Manager – 3Rs in Vaccine Batch Release and Quality Control)
- Co-chair: Warp-speed replacement? Remaining challenges in vaccine and biologics batch testing (session 409)
- Talk: Review of animal testing requirements in WHO Guidelines and Recommendations for biologicals: a proposal to implement 3Rs principles (#122)
Dr Fiona Sewell (Head of Toxicology)
- Co-chair: Advancements and opportunities in the replacement, reduction and refinement of acute toxicity (session 403)
- Co-chair: Advances in NAMs for EcoTox testing & risk assessment, part 2: computational tools and frameworks (session 457)
- Talk: Refining and removing global mammalian acute toxicity testing requirements (#441)
- Poster: Re-evaluating the need for chronic toxicity studies with therapeutic monoclonal antibodies, using a weight of evidence approach (#560)
- Poster: New data supporting recognition of evident toxicity in acute oral toxicity studies (#443)
Dr Khia Dobbinson (Science Manager – Animal Welfare)
- Co-chair: Refined Mouse Handling: Evidence, Barriers, and Solutions to Practical Use (session 445)
- Talk: Evidence for refined mouse handling: Better for animals, people, & science
Dr Stephen Turnock (Programme Manager – Best Practice in Animal Research)
- Support: Refinement and Impact on Science: Refinement in Challenging and Constrained Situations (session 439)