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New funding scheme: £4M available for proposals to establish infrastructure needed to accelerate use of non-animal methods. Apply now.

NC3Rs | 20 Years: Pioneering Better Science

Oncology Network launch event


Registration Details

Event date and time
Rachel Eyre
A graphic showing a network of circles, the three in the centre feature icons depicting cancer cells, chemotherapy drugs and DNA

The Oncology Network is open to oncology researchers from all sectors and at all career levels. The purpose of the Network is to accelerate the adoption of 3Rs approaches and facilitate collaborations across the oncology research community.

Learn more on our Oncology Network page.

The launch event will be chaired by Professor Owen Sansom (Beatson Institute). Alongside talks from invited speakers there will be opportunities to discuss potential new collaborations and showcase new technologies, including networking sessions, flash talks and poster presentations.  

Please note there is no hybrid option for this event. If you are interested in joining the Network but are unable to attend the in-person launch event, you can become a member of the Oncology Network online to receive future updates.

Registration details

Registration for this meeting is now closed.

*Please note that by registering for the launch event you will automatically be added to the Oncology Network to receive member updates. Members can opt out at any time by unsubscribing.


Time Session title
10.00 – 10.30 Registration and refreshments
10.30 – 10.40 Welcome and introduction
Prof Owen Sansom, Beatson Institute
  Session 1: Oncology models in research and drug discovery
10.40 – 11.00 Introduction to the NC3Rs Oncology Network 
Dr Rachel Eyre, NC3Rs
11.00 – 11.20 How do we replace animals in oncology research? A view from the cancer stem cell field 
Dr Adrian Biddle, QMUL
11.20 – 11.40 The use of ex-vivo human models and new technologies in vivo to drive drug discovery - a perspective from Cancer Research Horizons
Dr Gillian Farnie, Cancer Research Horizons
  Session 2: Showcase of NC3Rs-funded technology 
11.40 – 12.20 Early Career Researcher showcase 
12.20 – 13.20 Lunch 
13.20 – 13.40 Advanced in vitro models to accelerate leukaemia target discovery and drug screening
Dr Deepali Pal, Northumbria University
13.40 – 14.00 Establishing an ex-vivo model of cholangiocarcinoma to explore drug safety and efficacy using human precision cut tissue slices
Dr Laura Randle, University of Liverpool
14.00 – 14.20 Modelling tumour evolution using 3D Epithelioids
Dr David Fernandez-Antoran, University of Cambridge
  Session 3: Building collaborations and highlighting community resources
14.20 – 15.10 Networking session – opportunity to meet delegates from across academia and industry and discuss models and future potential collaborations. Information about this session will be sent to delegates ahead of the meeting.  
15.10 – 15.30 Coffee
15.30 –16.00 Keynote talk: A 3-dimensional cell culture model of glioblastoma: scientific outputs and wider benefits 
Prof Anthony Chalmers, University of Glasgow
16.00 –16.30 Funding focus. Information on NC3Rs and CRUK funding schemes (including funding for Network member collaborations) and advice for making competitive funding applications
Dr Mathew Tata and Dr Divneet Kaur, CRUK and Dr Katie Bates, NC3Rs
16.30 –16.40 Summary and closing remarks
Prof Owen Sansom, Beatson Institute
16.40 – 17.30 Networking and nibbles


Call for abstracts

The call for abstracts for poster presentations related to the development and application of oncology models is now open for submission. 

Abstracts should be submitted when completing the registration form

Abstract submission deadline: 17.00, Monday 29 April.


  • Abstracts should be submitted in English and should not exceed 250 words in length, excluding the title and author details.
  • Abstracts should clearly state the title, authors’ names and institutional addresses with the presenting author underlined, the email address of the presenting author and whether the submission is for a poster presentation and flash talk, or poster presentation only.
  • Abstracts are encouraged from researchers across all sectors and at all career stages.
  • Contributors are expected to register and present their work in person. Authors will be contacted by Friday 3 May at the latest to confirm their presentation.
  • By submitting an abstract, you confirm on behalf of the co-authors that the abstract is your own original work, that you have obtained necessary permissions relating to images and data.

NC3Rs meeting policy

The meeting policy below outlines the events policy for all events that the NC3Rs is involved in, agreed by the NC3Rs board and reviewed annually.