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NC3Rs | 20 Years: Pioneering Better Science

RSPCA Lay Members' Forum


Registration Details

Event date and time

The annual RSPCA Lay Members' Forum is open to all AWERB members (not just lay members) and those working in the care, use, and regulation of animals in research.

This year's meeting will address the following three topics:

  • Reviewing animal use outside the scope of the ASPA  Discussion of the use of animals not covered by the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 and how establishments are monitoring and overseeing non-ASPA projects. This may include in education and training, non-invasive studies, and most invertebrate use, among others. 
  • Retrospective review – Focusing on the task of following the development and outcome of all projects. This session will include practical examples and discuss how lay members can contribute to effective retrospective review.
  • Committee skills – This session will draw on lay members’ experiences and discuss the kinds of skills that are needed to ensure they feel confident to ask and respond to questions at AWERB meetings.

The cost of registration is £80 and includes lunch and refreshments.

Registration closes: Monday 20 November.