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NC3Rs | 20 Years: Pioneering Better Science

Summer school on systematic reviews of animal studies


Registration Details

Event date and time
Norecopa/University of Bergen/University of Zurich
Professor Adrian Smith
Bergen, Norway

This summer school organised by Norecopa and the University of Bergen and led by experts from the University of Zurich will explore the benefits of systematic reviews of animal studies compared with standard narrative literature reviews.

Attendees will learn all the steps needed to perform a systematic review, including:

  • How to perform literature searches.
  • How to manage references.
  • How to screen abstracts.
  • Risk of bias.

The number of participants is limited to twenty to ensure best possible individual tuition. Early career researchers will be given priority, but places will otherwise be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.

Deadline for applications: Monday 1 July.