Registration Details

The NC3Rs Technology Partn3Ring webinar series is an opportunity for SMEs and academics to showcase their 3Rs technologies and connect with potential collaborators.
The webinars consist of short pitches outlining technologies that each have a unique opportunity for collaboration. Audience members are able to learn about emerging new technologies, ask the speakers questions and find out how to get involved or access the technology.
The pitches from our inaugural webinar are available to watch on our Innovation Platform.
November's webinar will showcase:
- An in silico platform allowing users to conduct virtual drug and medical device trials (InSilicoTrials)
- In silico methods to support environmental & human toxicology and risk assessment (CEHTRA)
- A microphysiological system of muscle and nerve connectivity to investigate neuromuscular diseases and assess potential therapeutics (QMUL)
- A handheld device to easily measure 3D objects for use in pre-clinical cancer research (Verinnogen)
The webinar will be held over Zoom and is free to attend.