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NC3Rs | 20 Years: Pioneering Better Science

Workshop: Brief Reports (Results and Discussion)


Registration Details

Event date and time
Screenshot of the F1000 gateway

We are currently running a call for Brief Reports for publication on our gateway. Submissions are welcome from all NC3Rs-funded grant holders and the costs of the Article Processing Charges for papers submitted under the call will be covered by the NC3Rs. The deadline for submission of papers to the gateway is 15 June 2022.

To support this call we are running online workshops to provide grant holders with time to draft the outline for specific sections of the report. The schedule is as follows:

  • Results and Discussion
    Thursday 19 May (14:00 – 14:45)
  • Making sure your draft is submission ready
    Early June 2022

Each session will begin with a short (5 - 10 minute) presentation on what needs to be included in the relevant section of the report. The rest of the time will be set aside to work on your draft, with NC3Rs staff on hand to answer questions through the webinar Q&A function, and with follow-up 1:1's available if needed.

You can read more about the call on our dedicated page: Announcing a call for Brief Reports.

Certificates of attendance are available on request.