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NC3Rs: National Centre for the Replacement Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research

Latest news from the NC3Rs: October 2022

£50M awarded in replacement technologies, accelerating the adoption of non-animal derived antibodies and our latest funding news.

£50M in replacement technologies

We have recently passed the milestone of awarding over £50M to replacement methods through our funding schemes. To mark this achievement, we have highlighted the outputs and impacts arising from this and illustrated examples of how NC3Rs-funded scientists have developed, characterised and applied new replacement methods.

Read the news item: £50M in replacement technologies

Complete our survey on identifying non-animal replacement technologies

As part of our work to facilitate the wider uptake of non-animal replacements, we want to help researchers search for these technologies. As a first step we are running a survey to better understand what is currently being done and what gaps there are to fill. Please take 20 minutes to share your thoughts.

Refining the use of head fixation and fluid control in rodents

A new paper shares recommendations and guidance from an NC3Rs working group on high-yield rodent behavioural experiments. The paper focuses on the use of fluid control and head fixation in mice, two techniques for which clear guidance on best practice has previously not been available despite their welfare impacts.

Accelerating the adoption of non-animal derived antibodies

A new programme of work to support the wider adoption of non-animal derived antibodies to realise the scientific and animal welfare impacts of these mature research tools and technologies.

Are you looking to develop an institutional 3Rs strategy?

A good first step would be to complete an institutional 3Rs self-assessment via our free online tool. The tool supports you to confidentially review your current 3Rs practices, giving tailored feedback on how you can prioritise and strengthen the 3Rs environment in your institution. It is designed to be practical and informative and suggests positive steps for putting the 3Rs into practice.

To follow on from your self-assessment, we have produced guidance for developing and implementing an institutional 3Rs strategy.

Product showcase: A precise, low dead space needle with improved animal welfare

Our recent webinar showcased the Precision Injection System, developed to address the 2019 Sharp and to the Point CRACK Challenge which aimed to refine the delivery of substances through procedures involving injections. The webinar recording is now available online and features presentations from the technology developers at Active Needle Technology Ltd and the Challenge Sponsors.

Visit our new resource page and watch the webinar recording: A precise, low dead space needle with improved animal welfare

The Precision Injection System is a unique handheld syringe for use in preclinical injections of rodents that avoids the reuse of single-use needles. It is designed to virtually eliminate dead space and for the convenient single-handed exchange of needles.

Why use the Precision Injection System?

  • Improvement in animal welfare by avoiding the re-use of needles.
  • Rapid and easy needle exchange for efficient procedures.
  • High accuracy dosing and minimal loss of injectate.

Learn more about the technology, and the Challenge, on our Innovation Platform: Sharp and to the Point

2022 CRACK IT Challenges: last chance to apply

CRACK IT Challenges are set by industrial Sponsors and the NC3Rs and focus on developing products and services that deliver scientific and 3Rs benefits in key areas of research. The deadline to apply for this year’s Challenges is fast approaching:

  • T‑ALERT: Animal‑free tumourigenicity assessment of CAR‑T and other genetically modified T cells.
    Application deadline: Thursday 27 October, 12.00 (BST).
  • Thyroid Tox: Development of an in silico model to predict thyroid receptor mediated human endocrine disruption.
    Application deadline: Thursday 3 November, 12.00 (GMT).

Visit the Innovation platform for details of each Challenge, application forms and links to join our LinkedIn groups for networking and consortia building.

Opportunities to join our Funding Panels from January 2023

We are currently inviting applications from talented researchers to join our funding panels. The panels are responsible for assessing the scientific excellence and 3Rs impact of diverse, innovative applications for research and career development.

Applications from currently under-represented groups, including women, members of minority ethnic groups, and researchers with disabilities or long-term conditions, are especially welcomed.

Application deadline: Thursday 17 November.

Learn more and apply: Funding Panel vacancies

2022/2023 Project Grant call opening soon

Our Project Grant Scheme supports the development of new 3Rs approaches and technologies with awards for up to 36 months. This year’s call is opening shortly, with the outline form going live on Wednesday 2 November (applications must be submitted by Tuesday 10 January).

To get started on planning your application before the outline form goes live, take a look at our Applicant Handbook which contains all the information you need.

Primate Welfare Meeting: last chance to register

Tuesday 8 November, 12.00 – 17.45 (GMT)
Central London/online (hybrid)

The programme for this year’s Primate Welfare Meeting features a range of presentations and posters on topics from breeding and husbandry to research use and welfare assessment. Attendees are encouraged to join in‑person to take advantage of the networking opportunities, but delegates will be able to view the live stream remotely to ensure the sessions are available to the global community.

If you are a researcher, veterinarian, technician or facility manager working directly with laboratory non‑human primates, register by Friday 21 October to secure your place.

Virtual demonstrations of the Experimental Design Assistant

Tuesday 22 November, 16.00 – 17.00 (GMT)

Our Experimental Design Assistant (EDA) tool can help researchers at any level design robust in vivo experiments. Following a presentation on the key aspects of the online tool, Dr Esther Pearl (NC3Rs Experimental Design Programme Manager) will answer questions on how you can use the EDA to design and plan your next study. Limited spaces are available on a first come first served basis.

Microsampling in Toxicology: Maximising the scientific, business and 3Rs advantages

We recently hosted a webinar in collaboration with the British Toxicology Society to raise awareness of microsampling for blood collection and encourage wider adoption across both discovery and regulatory toxicology studies. Recordings of the six presentations from the webinar are now available to watch online and will be relevant for all academic, regulatory and industry scientists interested in applying the 3Rs in rodent and non-rodent studies.

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