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NC3Rs: National Centre for the Replacement Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research

NAMs Advisory Group

The NAMs Advisory Group support the NAMs Network by providing expert insight and advice. 

Professor Ian Kimber, University of Manchester (Chair)

Ian Kimber

Ian Kimber is Emeritus Professor of Toxicology in the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health at the University of Manchester. Ian holds, and has held, a variety of positions on national and international expert and scientific advisory committees. Previously he was Chairman of the NC3Rs Board (2008-2013). He has published over 600 peer-reviewed research papers and review articles, over 100 book chapters, and six books.

Ian has received a number of awards and prizes, including the SmithKline Beecham Laboratory Animal Welfare Prize (2000) (jointly with David Basketter and Frank Gerberick), the 9th Robert A Scala Award in Toxicology (2001), the Doerenkamp-Zbinden Foundation Prize for Realistic Animal Protection in Biomedical Research (2001), Society of Toxicology Enhancement of Animal Welfare Award (2003) (jointly with Frank Gerberick), and Society of Toxicology Immunotoxicology Lifetime Career Achievement (Vos) Award (2005). In 2010, Ian received the Eurotox Bo Holmstedt Memorial Fellowship Award and Lecture at the International Congress of Toxicology in Barcelona. In 2015, he received the Society of Toxicology Distinguished Toxicology Scholar Award in San Diego and was also awarded the Barnes Prize by the British Toxicology Society. He was elected to membership of Academia Europaea in 2016. In 2011 Ian was awarded an OBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours list for services to science. 

Dr Camilla Alexander-White, MKTox Consultancy

Camilla Alexander-White

Camilla Alexander-White (FRSC, ERT, CChem) is an independent chemical safety assessor of 28 years’ experience. Camilla currently works part time for the Royal Society of Chemistry leading the work on establishing a United Nations science-policy panel for chemicals, waste and pollution prevention. Camilla performs science-policy diplomacy work internationally and in her research work, she devises regulatory safety assessment strategies for chemical ingredients in cosmetic products and advises on the use and acceptance of new approach methods (NAMs) in next generation risk assessment. She is an independent science advisor to the UK government for a number of science advice committees. Previously, after a decade at Unilever (2000-2010) working on developing NAMs for consumer safety assessment, she was a civil servant as Principal Scientist at the Environment Agency (England and Wales), and Senior Manager in UK and USA leading on human health at Ramboll Environ. She has worked across USA, UK, EU and Japan on the regulatory safety of globally critical product ingredients and assessing environmental contaminants in air, soil, water and waste.  

Dr Susy Brescia, UK Health and Safety Executive

Susy Brescia

Susy Brescia has a degree in Biological Sciences and Human Genetics and a PhD in Occupational Toxicology and Epidemiology, including post-graduate and post-doc experience in the field of genetics and molecular epidemiology. She started work as a regulatory toxicologist with the UK Health & Safety Executive in 1999, being responsible for performing human health hazard and risk assessment for substances regulated under the Biocidal Product Regulation (BPR), Plant Protection Product Regulation (PPPR) and REACH, also contributing to the technical aspects of Harmonised Classification and Labeling proposals under the CLP Regulation.  She has been involved in drafting technical guidance documents for performing chemical risk assessment in the context of REACH and BPR and preparing WHO/IPCS, OECD, EFSA and ECHA technical reports on specific chemicals and various aspects of chemical hazard and risk assessment. Susy is a member of several national and international committees and working groups, including the WHO/FAO Joint Meeting on Pesticide Residues. She is an expert on endocrine disruption and NAMs and is currently the Head of the Toxicology Team with the Chemicals Regulation Division of the UK Health and Safety Executive.

Dr Richard A. Currie, Syngenta

Richard Currie

Richard Currie is a Syngenta Senior Fellow in Global Product Safety’s Science Strategy function, based at the Jealotts Hill International Research Centre (Bracknell, UK). He is an internal consultant, intrapreneur for innovations in predictive or computational approaches that enhance the capabilities of research teams to invent new safe and sustainable crop protection active ingredients. Richard champions the use of mechanistic toxicology and modern approaches to risk assessment. His research interests are in the development and application of modern approaches such as structure-activity relationship analyses, mechanism of toxicity (including MOA/AOPs), multi-omics methods and in vitro assays, and quantitative systems models for toxicology, ecotoxicology and environmental fate. 

Professor Ruth A. Roberts, Birmingham University and ApconiX

Ruth Roberts

Ruth Roberts (PhD, ATS, FBTS, ERT, FRSB, FRCPath) is Chair and Director of Drug Discovery at Birmingham University and Cofounder of ApconiX, an integrated toxicology and ion channel research company.  Previously, Ruth was Global Head of Regulatory Safety at AstraZeneca (2004-2014). Ruth is former president of several international scientific societies and is current Chair of the Health and Environmental Sciences Institute Board. She was elected fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists in 2012 and the Royal Society of Biology in 2014. She has received numerous awards including the 2022 ‘Millie’ award for lasting impact on science and has >160 publications in peer reviewed journals. Ruth is interested in developing and implementing innovative models in drug discovery and development. 

Dr Clive Roper, Roper Toxicology Consulting Limited

Clive Roper

Clive Roper graduated with a PhD in in vitro dermal absorption followed by a post-doctoral position. In 1996, he joined Charles River Laboratories performing in vitro skin penetration studies, then promoted to Director, In Vitro Toxicology, leading the in vitro toxicology, genetox, safety pharmacology and advanced in vitro models teams. In 2021, Clive started a consulting business aiding clients in gaining adoption and regulatory acceptance of NAMs. Clive is a board member of  the NC3Rs, PeptiMatrix (Chairperson), NA3RsC, and the European Society of Toxicology In Vitro (Vice President). He is a member of Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, the American College of Toxicology and the Society of Toxicology, is a European Registered Toxicologist, and a chartered Fellow of Royal Society of Biology. 

Dr Carl Westmoreland, Unilever 

Carl Westmoreland

Carl Westmoreland has worked at Unilever for over 20 years and is based in the Safety and Environmental Assurance Centre (SEAC) in the UK (Safety & Environmental Sciences | Unilever). A large part of his role focuses on the strategic development and application of the science needed for non-animal, risk-based safety assessments. Previously, he received his PhD from the University of Surrey, UK and worked for 10 years at GlaxoSmithKline. Carl represents Unilever on several external groups including EPAA, ECETOC, UK NC3Rs and Cefic and has previously served on many scientific groups including the EURL-ECVAM Scientific Advisory Committee. Carl is also a Fellow of the British Toxicology Society. 

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Graphic showing some of the range of applications of NAMs