The 3Rs across Europe: Webinar series

Europe is home to a vibrant 3Rs community with a range of organisations who fund or promote science and technology developments that lead to opportunities to replace, reduce and refine the use of animals in research.
Many of these developments also lead to the generation of new scientific knowledge that has benefits for human and animal health and the protection of the environment.
To celebrate the 3Rs in Europe six organisations came together to organise a virtual event to highlight the latest 3Rs opportunities. The event was held over three days 22 to 24 September with presentations from two nominated speakers from each of the organisations.
You can view recordings of all of the presentations here.
Organising committee
The event was organised by the following 3Rs centres:
Charité 3R
Charité 3R aims to strengthen interdisciplinary and translational research at the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin while improving animal welfare. Charité 3R has organized its aims and activities in three distinct pillars. Pillar I focuses on communication and outreach, aiming at increasing awareness and knowledge about the chances and challenges of alternative methods. Pillar II provides training opportunities on the 3Rs with a strong focus on young scientists. Pillar III funds 3R research at Charité via dedicated calls that tackle one or more of the 3R areas. The center is financed by the Charité.
The Danish 3R-Center
The Danish 3R-center works to promote the 3Rs in Denmark. It is a collaboration between the government, three pharmaceutical companies and two animal welfare organizations and consists of a board (seven members) and a secretariat (four employees). To promote the 3Rs, the centre collects and disseminates 3Rs information, initiates and supports research within the 3Rs, and collaborates internationally, including hosting an annual conference on the 3Rs.
The Swedish 3Rs Center
The Swedish 3Rs Center is an assembling arena for knowledge and progress when it comes to replace, reduce and refine animal experiments in Sweden. Their aim is to improve animal welfare and reduce the number of animals used in experiments. Their committee is the Swedish National Committee for the Protection of Animals used for Scientific Purposes. The centre is funded by the Swedish Government and was established in 2017.
The Swiss 3R Competence Centre
The Swiss 3R Competence Centre is a non-profit association founded in March 2018 to promote the 3Rs through research, education and communication. It is a joint initiative of Switzerland's 11 top universities, the pharmaceutical industry, the Swiss government and the largest animal welfare association.
The UK National Centre for the 3Rs – NC3Rs
The UK’s National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research (NC3Rs) is a scientific organisation dedicated to replacing, refining and reducing the use of animals in research and testing (the 3Rs). Primarily funded by the UK Government, the NC3Rs is also supported by the charitable and private sectors. It works with scientists in universities and industry in the UK and internationally, funding and disseminating 3Rs information and advances to the global community.
3Rs-Centre Utrecht Life Sciences
3Rs-Centre Utrecht Life Sciences (ULS) stimulates the development, acceptation and implementation of methods which can replace, reduce and refine animal experiments, the 3R’s. The centre facilitates the 3Rs in education and animal research in many ways, by providing information and advice about 3Rs models. The Centre collaborates closely with the Animal Welfare Body Utrecht. Together they manage the Utrecht 3Rs-fund.