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NC3Rs | 20 Years: Pioneering Better Science

Chinese ARRIVE Guidelines launched

The Arrive guidelines front cover

Translations of our ARRIVE reporting guidelines are now available in several languages, the latest of which being Mandarin Chinese.

The guidelines are intended to improve standards of reporting and ensure that the data from animal experiments can be fully evaluated and utilised, translating the guidelines will make them accessible to a wider audience.

This month, the NC3Rs begins its dissemination strategy to ensure that the ARRIVE guidelines reach, and are taken up by, scientists working across China.

"As the world's third-largest producer of research articles, China's research output has surged over the past decade. To reflect the huge growth of R&D in China, the Mandarin translation of the ARRIVE guidelines were developed to help Chinese researchers report animal experiments  to the high standards required for a study to be fully utilised, evaluated and repeated," explains Dr Katie Lidster, Science Manager at the NC3Rs.

Developed in consultation with the scientific community, including researchers, statisticians, journal editors, and funders, the guidelines consist of a 20-point checklist of the essential information that should be included in publications reporting animal research.

To read more about the guidelines please see our ARRIVE pages.

You can also request hard copies of the guidelines in English through our online form.