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NC3Rs: National Centre for the Replacement Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research

Developing and implementing an institutional 3Rs strategy

The front cover of the "Developing and implementing an institutional 3Rs strategy" document on a green background.

We have published a new report to support research organisations to recognise 3Rs opportunities and take action.

Is your organisation committed to advancing the 3Rs? Many research organisations using animals publicly support the 3Rs; however, activities to deliver this commitment tend to be ad hoc and lack coordination. This is a missed opportunity to fully adopt the 3Rs and the various benefits that they deliver, from ensuring high quality reproducible discovery research through to addressing public concerns about animal welfare.

An organisation-wide 3Rs strategy helps to make sure that there is active engagement in the 3Rs with participation from all key internal stakeholder groups including researchers at all career stages and animal technicians. The NC3Rs has published a new report on developing and implementing a 3Rs strategy that is intended to support research organisations to recognise the opportunities available and take action in areas such as leadership, infrastructure, people and training. The report, which is primarily for those overseeing the use of animals at the organisation, includes important considerations such as the allocation of resources and how to measure success. It is intended to complement the 3Rs self-assessment tool the NC3Rs recently launched to help institutions benchmark and track their 3Rs activities.

The report is available to download as a PDF.