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NC3Rs: National Centre for the Replacement Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research

The NC3Rs publishes its strategy for the next three years

NC3Rs strategy 2022 to 2024 cover and inside page preview

Increased focused on replacement technologies as well as championing high standards in animal research. 

The NC3Rs new strategy reflects our plans and goals for the next three years, taking us up to the end of 2024. It includes new activities to boost our work on topics such as the uptake of replacement technologies and championing high standards in in vivo research, alongside our plans and progress for existing long-term projects.

The strategy sets out a balanced portfolio of activities across the 3Rs, and puts in place measures and initiatives to address the lag between the development of 3Rs approaches and their wider uptake within the scientific community. It will ensure that the UK remains at the forefront of 3Rs activity internationally, working with global stakeholders to develop collaborations and cross-sector partnerships.

The strategy includes some ambitious targets for the team to deliver, based on plans that were submitted as part of the regular NC3Rs funding renewal cycle which led to an allocation of core funding of £30.3M for 2022 to 2024.

Read the strategy in full: Our strategy.