New e-learning modules on laboratory animal anaesthesia

Two new e-learning modules funded by the NC3Rs have been launched, focusing on pre-anaesthetic preparations and choosing an anaesthetic.
The modules are the first in a series on anaesthesia and analgesia for laboratory animals to be produced by FLAIRE Consultants and Newcastle University. When complete, the full series will address all of the learning outcomes of module EU21 (Advanced anaesthesia for surgical or prolonged procedures), part of the training framework established under Directive 2010/63/EU. The modules are suitable for incorporation into Home Office Personal Licensee (PIL) Category C training for research workers.
Topics covered in the new modules include:
- Why we anaesthetise laboratory animals.
- Preparing for anaesthesia.
- Selecting inhalational and injectable anaesthetics.
- Balanced anaesthesia.
- Anaesthesia of animals in poor health.
The modules complement others previously funded by the NC3Rs that cover basic anaesthesia (EU20), assessing pain and distress (EU5) and euthanasia (EU6). To date, over 14,000 individuals worldwide have registered to use these resources on the FLAIRE website and more than 14,000 have viewed them on the NC3Rs website. The modules are designed to complement more traditional lectures, ensuring all learning outcomes are addressed and delivery is consistent across institutions. A blended learning approach also means trainees can schedule their learning to fit in with other work commitments and tutors can spend more time on interactive sessions.
All of these modules can be accessed via the NC3Rs e-learning resources hub. Versions that enable tracking of an individual’s progress are also available at (log-in required).