New monthly 3Rs podcast co-produced with LabAnimal

We have teamed up with LabAnimal and the North American 3Rs Collaborative to bring you “3 Minute 3Rs”, a new monthly podcast summarising the latest research and news in 3Rs science and technology.
This month, the podcast covers the following topics:
- A new paper by Will Redfern and colleagues published in PLOS ONE describing Rodent Big Brother, a home cage analysis system allowing 24/7 monitoring of rodent behaviours in a group-housed environment, which was developed through the NC3Rs CRACK IT open innovation platform.
- The Alliance of Genome Resources: a new initiative bringing together a number of model organism databases in order to provide an integrated view of their data.
- Two papers by Nathalie Percie du Sert and colleagues published in Nature Methods and PLOS Biology that describe the Experimental Design Assistant (EDA), a free web tool from the NC3Rs that aims to address issues of reproducibility in animal research by guiding researchers through the design of their experiments.
You can listen and subscribe to the podcast via SoundCloud or iTunes and let us know what you think via Twitter.