A pint of 3Rs science

We are partnering with Pint of Science to invite you to learn more about the science behind replacing animals in research.
The annual Pint of Science festival has been a staple of NC3Rs public engagement activities since we first took part in 2014. As the festival’s longest running sponsor, we have hosted 25 events with over 50 speakers in 13 cities across the UK, reaching almost 1,000 members of the public.
Our Pint of Science events this year will feature nine more scientists exploring NC3Rs-funded replacement research. From non-animal technologies in London, cardiovascular science in Manchester and cell-based approaches in Nottingham, join us in May 2024 to celebrate 10 years of partnership with the festival and our 20-year anniversary.
(Cell) culture change: Replacing animal research
How do scientists use cells in the lab to understand what happens inside the body? The Nottingham event will explore complex cell-based models to replace the use of animals in research. Find out how advances in technology are allowing scientists to grow cells in 3D and create multicellular models to research human biology and disease.
- Scaffolding cellular structures – Arya Ajay D/O Ajayakumar and Dr Mikayla Shelton
- A breath of fresh air for lung disease research – Dr Nick Hannan
Not just a bleeding heart: Replacing animal research
How do scientists investigate how the heart beats, bodies bleed and blood vessels block, without the use of animals? The Manchester event will explore innovative approaches replacing animals and improving the predictive power of cardiovascular research, from using human tissue to computer modelling.
- Clotting and bleeding: A double-edged sword – Dr Sarah Jones and Dr Amelia Drysdale
- Drug safety in a heartbeat – Dr Andrew Leach and Sylvia Kaempf
How to build a body: Replacing animal research
How do scientists build bone or make muscle in the lab? The London event will delve into non-animal technologies. Learn about organ-on-chip and bioprinting approaches being used to mimic human biology and investigate health and disease.
- Chipping away at animal use in bone research – Dr Tim Hopkins
- Printing body parts – Natalia Andrea Moreno Sierra