Ten years of collaboration

The location was fitting as it was a House of Lord's Select Committee which published a report on the use of animals in scientific procedures, ultimately leading to the establishment of the NC3Rs.
The event was hosted by Lord Turnberg of Cheadle who was the first NC3Rs Board Chair. There were around 150 guests from many of the organisations we work with from across the bioscience sector, parliamentarians who joined us from both houses.
We were very pleased that we were able to use the occasion to showcase the first product to be ready for commercialisation from our CRACK IT Challenges programme. The Challenge - Rodent Big Brother which was sponsored by AstraZeneca and funded by the NC3Rs - involved the development of a non-invasive behavioural monitoring system to assess group housed rats used in safety testing and other studies. The developers Actual Analytics and sponsors AstraZeneca were on hand to explain the technology.
The event closed with three speeches, from Lord Turnberg who described the evolution of the NC3Rs; the current Board Chair Professor Stephen Holgate CBE who highlighted the profile the 3Rs now has within the scientific community as a result of the work of the NC3Rs; and finally Dr Nick Pullen from Pfizer who set out the the commercial benefits the 3Rs can bring to the pharmaceutical industry.
Photographs from the event can be found below.

Lord Turnberg, Professor Stephen Holgate CBE, Dr Nick Pullen