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NC3Rs: National Centre for the Replacement Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research

Welcome to our new Board members

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We are pleased to announce that Professor Cathy Abbott and Dr Andy Scott are joining the NC3Rs Board.

We are pleased to welcome two new members to the NC3Rs Board. Professor Cathy Abbott will be joining the Board in January 2023, whilst Dr Andy Scott will begin his tenure in January 2024. Board Members are appointed in a personal capacity for three years, with the possibility of a further two-year extension.

Professor Cathy Abbott  

Following almost 40 years as a researcher and over a decade as a professor at the University of Edinburgh, Cathy is the Chair of Mammalian Genetics within the Centre for Genomic and Experimental Medicine. Her lab works on translation factors in neurodevelopmental disorders and neurodegeneration. During five years as chair of one of the largest Animal Welfare and Ethical Review Bodies in the UK at the University of Edinburgh, Cathy has been determined to put the 3Rs and the culture of care at the heart of all decisions. She has held a project license under the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 for over 20 years and has a comprehensive appreciation of the issues faced by researchers, named vets and technicians.  

Cathy’s appointments include several funding panels (Cancer Research UK, NC3Rs, Medical Research Scotland), Deputy Chair of the sub-panel for Psychology, Psychiatry, and Neuroscience in the Research Excellence Framework (REF 2021), Research Policy Trustee of the British Neuroscience Association and Athena SWAN panels. Through these positions she has developed a broad and deep understanding of strategic approaches to research, research culture and maximising impact. 

A portrait style photo of new Board member Cathy Abbott who has chin length light brown hair and is wearing a green shirt

I have always deeply admired the work done by NC3Rs – not just how important the work is, but the breadth and complexity of what they do and the impact they have had on research. I am absolutely delighted to have been appointed to join the Board and am very much looking forward to my new role.”

Dr Andy Scott  

Andy has spent more than two decades working in Unilever’s Safety and Environmental Assurance Centre (SEAC) and has extensive risk assessment and consumer safety science experience. Having completed both his doctoral studies and post-doctoral work in DNA damage and repair at Swansea University, Andy was awarded an honorary professorship by the university’s College of Medicine in 2013. In the same year, Andy became Safety Science and Team Leader of SEAC. His specialism in genetic toxicology and advancing new approach methodologies (NAMs) for safety assessment is exemplified by his involvement in international working groups (ECETOC and OECD), as former Chair of UK Industrial Genotoxicity Group, elected Committee Member of UK Environmental Mutagen Society, Advisor to UK Committee of Mutagenecity, and invited participant at the International Workshops on Genotoxicity testing.  

Over the past decade Andy has worked closely with the NC3Rs to shape our collaborations and innovation programmes with Unilever, with a focus on replacement and reduction. He has been involved in NC3Rs workshops, joint studentships and the CRACK IT Challenge programme.

A portrait style photo of new Board member Andy Scott who is wearing glasses and wearing a light purple shirt

“I’ve worked closely with the NC3Rs since 2010 and I’m passionate about high quality, hypothesis-led research – specifically that which aims to effect positive change, while also providing opportunity for the development of next generation scientists. I’m very much looking forward to joining the NC3Rs Board from 1 January 2024, and hope to bring a perspective from the consumer goods sector, an enthusiasm for high quality science and an open mind to advise on new opportunities to advance the NC3Rs and the 3Rs.”

About the Board

The NC3Rs Board, chaired by Professor Kevin Shakesheff, consists of scientific experts and animal welfare professionals from a range of research organisations and diverse backgrounds. Our Board members are united by their commitment to the NC3Rs mission and apply their expertise in scientific policy decision-making to oversee our work, provide guidance on the NC3Rs strategy, monitor the delivery of our objectives and ensure robust financial planning and risk management.  

The NC3Rs would like to thank Dr David Lovell and Professor Jon Timmis whose tenure is coming to an end after five years. During this time David has provided exemplary experimental design support for grant holders, ensuring the work we fund is robust, reproducible, and maximises the potential 3Rs benefits. Jon served as Chair of the CRACK IT Advisory Panel, ensuring CRACK IT Challenges address key unmet needs and that our contractors receive the advice and support they need as they start their commercialisation journey. David and Jon have been huge assets to the NC3Rs Board – we thank them for all their support over the last few years and wish them all the very best for the future.