How to write effectively about the 3Rs in your grant application

Communicating effectively and accurately how your proposed research will achieve a 3Rs impact is essential for securing funding.
Applications submitted to the NC3Rs are assessed on their potential 3Rs impact as well as the quality of the underpinning science and technology. It is important your application clearly articulates the estimated 3Rs impacts, including providing realistic metrics, so that the funding panel can assess your application against others in the competition.
To assist researchers applying for NC3Rs funding in clearly conveying the potential 3Rs impact of their work, we have developed the guidance below. The key topics to consider have been grouped under two headings, focus and rationale. Focus predominantly covers the importance of the 3Rs potential (including how lasting impacts will be achieved) and rationale how to estimate the 3Rs impact.
The 3Rs should be embedded throughout your grant application. Further information on applying this guidance, including common errors and examples, can be found in our recorded webinar. For further information on the application process for NC3Rs funding schemes please refer to the NC3Rs Applicant Guidance.
While the focus of this guidance is for those preparing applications, the principles also apply to communicating information on the 3Rs when delivering presentations and posters at conferences, when writing publications, as well as during public engagement activities. A PDF version of the guidance is available for download.
Further information on applying this guidance, including common errors and examples.