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NC3Rs: National Centre for the Replacement Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research

Interactions and amendments

Grant holder interactions

For the 3Rs impacts of a project to be fully realised, NC3Rs-funded work needs to be widely disseminated and adopted by the scientific community. We aim to support our grant holders in these activities as much as possible, and we will arrange meetings to discuss a grant during the lifetime of the award. The main points of interaction are:

Introductory phone call (start of award)

The funding team Programme Manager will arrange to speak with a grant holder within the first two months of their award beginning.

Grant holder visit (mid-point of award) 

Halfway through their award, the funding team Programme Manger will send grant holders a Progress Report Form to complete and organise a meeting to discuss progress made on the grant, any challenges encountered, as well as the support that the NC3Rs can provide. Our Board members often also attend these meetings.

Progress update by phone or visit (end of award)

We will call/visit within six months of the end of the award to discuss the outcomes and outputs of the project, as well as opportunities to achieve further 3Rs impact.

Post-award amendments

Post award amendments, including extensions and changes to the project, should be first discussed with the NC3Rs funding team by emailing

Project extensions

The NC3Rs does not routinely extend awards, except for maternity leave, gaps in employment or staggered start dates. In exceptional circumstances, we may consider extending the grant.

The delays or shortfall must seriously threaten the delivery of a significant proportion of the science outlined in the original application. Applicants must be able to demonstrate the delays could not have been anticipated, were outside their control and every effort has already been made to mitigate them.

With the exception of multiple periods of maternity/paternity/sick leave, a grant will be allowed no more than one extension. If an extension has already been approved, further requests will not normally be considered. 

Requests for additional funds will only be considered in exceptional circumstances. 

Changes to an NC3Rs-funded project

Grant holders must inform and consult with the NC3Rs if there are any significant changes that may affect the progress or delivery of the project and its potential to realise a 3Rs impact. No substantive changes to the experimental design of a project involving the use of animals, which might affect the ethical characteristics of the award, are allowed without prior approval from the NC3Rs.

If a grant holder proposes to make significant changes to their NC3Rs-funded project, we reserve the right to request revised proposals for approval. Where significant changes are proposed, the NC3Rs may decide to make a new grant in place of the existing grant, or to revise, retain or terminate the existing grant.