Principal Investigator: Professor Amir Ghaemmaghami, University of Nottingham
53 results
Contractor: Professor Toni Cathomen, University of Freiburg
Principal Investigator: Dr Jonathan Ball, University of Exeter
Principal Investigator: Professor Andrew Peden, University of Sheffield
Contractor: Dr Stephan Schaller, esqLABS GmbH
Contractor: Dr Stephan Fischer, aQuaTox-Solutions GmbH
Contractor: Dr Victoria Hutter, ImmuOne Ltd
Contractor: Dr Karla Queiroz, Mimetas B.V.
Principal Investigator: Dr Rachel Oldershaw, University of Liverpool
Principal Investigator: Professor Simon Reed, Cardiff University
Principal Investigator: Dr Adriana Tavares, University of Edinburgh
Principal Investigator: Dr Grant Wheeler, University of East Anglia
Principal Investigator: Dr David Turner, University of Liverpool
Principal Investigator: Professor Chris Denning, University of Nottingham
Principal Investigator: Dr Julien Gautrot, Queen Mary University of London
Principal Investigator: Professor Gareth Jenkins, Swansea University
Principal Investigator: Dr Andreas Bender, University of Cambridge
Principal Investigator: Dr Luigi Margiotta-Casaluci, Brunel University
Principal Investigator: Dr Helinor Johnston, Heriot-Watt University
Principal Investigator: Professor Blanca Rodriguez, University of Oxford