Multi-laboratory validation of a new animal product-free test guideline addition for the in vitro micronucleus test Principal Investigator: Professor Victoria Hutter, University of Hertfordshire Strategic grant
Validation of Scinora serum-free media formulations and Xplace supplement for the development of animal-free NAMs for nanotoxicology Principal Investigator: Dr Fiona Murphy, University of Strathclyde Strategic grant
An iPSC based xeno-free platform to assess the foreign body response against new biomaterials Principal Investigator: Professor Amir Ghaemmaghami, University of Nottingham Project grant
T-ALERT: Developing an in vitro assay to evaluate the tumourigenicity of human engineered T cell therapies Contractor: Professor Toni Cathomen, University of Freiburg CRACK IT Challenge
Building confidence in non-protected zebrafish embryo-larvae as a viable alternative to mammalian DART assessment Principal Investigator: Dr Jonathan Ball, University of Exeter PhD Studentship
Cell based assay for tetanus vaccine and antitoxin production Principal Investigator: Professor Andrew Peden, University of Sheffield Project grant
Virtual Second Species: Applying advanced computational and mathematical modelling approaches to develop a suite of virtual dog tissues and organs to model toxicological endpoints for new chemical entities Contractor: Dr Stephan Schaller, esqLABS GmbH CRACK IT Challenge
SAFE: Developing a suite of innovative bioassays to replace in vivo fish studies in chemical safety screening and regulatory environmental risk assessment. Contractor: Dr Stephan Fischer, aQuaTox-Solutions GmbH CRACK IT Challenge
Animal-free in vitro: Adapting established Organisation for Economic Development Test Guideline in vitro assays so that they are free from animal-derived products Contractor: Dr Victoria Hutter, ImmuOne Ltd CRACK IT Challenge
In vitro TDAR: Developing a human in vitro T-cell dependent antibody response (TDAR) assay to assess immune enhancement Contractor: Dr Karla Queiroz, Mimetas B.V. CRACK IT Challenge
Replacement of animal use in measuring cardiomyocyte response to drug safety profiling using a novel NMR metabolomics technology Principal Investigator: Dr Rachel Oldershaw, University of Liverpool PhD Studentship
INDUCE-seq: a novel tool for next generation risk assessment Principal Investigator: Professor Simon Reed, Cardiff University PhD Studentship
Drug risk assessment and repurposing using biomimetic chromatography and body-on-chip technology Principal Investigator: Dr Adriana Tavares, University of Edinburgh PhD Studentship
Development of non-mammalian, preclinical screening tools for the predictive analysis of cardiotoxicity Principal Investigator: Dr Grant Wheeler, University of East Anglia PhD Studentship
A 3Rs approach to assess drug toxicity on the mammalian embryo during early pregnancy in vitro Principal Investigator: Dr David Turner, University of Liverpool PhD Studentship
Validating CRISPR-engineered human pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes as tools to assist with toxicity profiling, adverse drug reaction notices and black box warnings Principal Investigator: Professor Chris Denning, University of Nottingham Technologies to tools grant
Translating microvascularised chips of a nephrotoxicity model Principal Investigator: Dr Julien Gautrot, Queen Mary University of London Technologies to tools grant
Developing an in vitro repeat-dose test as a 3Rs approach to detect non-genotoxic carcinogens Principal Investigator: Professor Gareth Jenkins, Swansea University PhD Studentship
Moving the Adverse Outcome Pathways Framework towards Practical Utility by Integrating Compound Profiling Data and Using Deep Learning Principal Investigator: Dr Andreas Bender, University of Cambridge PhD Studentship
Development of an AOP for cardiotoxicity mediated by the blockade of L-type calcium channel Principal Investigator: Dr Luigi Margiotta-Casaluci, Brunel University Strategic grant