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Skin swabbing for DNA sampling of zebrafish

Learn more about skin swabbing as a welfare refinement, and how to establish a protocol for skin swabbing in your laboratory.


Small bony fishes, such as zebrafish and stickleback, are commonly used as experimental models in the laboratory. DNA is routinely collected from these animals for genetic identification (genotyping). The current standard procedure to sample DNA is fin clipping, which involves placing the fish under nonterminal anaesthesia and removing a portion of the caudal fin with a scalpel. While fin clipping reliably generates good quality DNA samples for identifying animals by PCR, there is evidence that it affects fish health and welfare, leading to pain, stress and changes in behaviour [1-7, reviewed in 24]. This in turn can result in greater variation in physiological and behavioural data [8].

An alternative to fin clipping is skin swabbing, where a rayon-tipped swab is used to collect mucus from the flank of the fish, which can then be processed to extract DNA [9-11]. Behavioural and physiological evidence suggests that skin swabbing has a lesser impact on fish welfare [8,11], providing an opportunity to refine DNA sampling procedures for laboratory fishes. Read the FAQs for more on how the techniques compare from a fish welfare perspective. In terms of practicality, the swabbing method is comparable to fin clipping and has some potential advantages that are outlined in the table below.

Dr Will Norton and colleagues, at the University of Leicester and Aberystwyth University, have shown that skin swabbing can be used to successfully collect DNA from zebrafish and stickleback. Interest in skin swabbing as a refinement is growing, and researchers and technicians have an increasing number of questions about whether this technique is applicable to their work, and how to perform skin swabbing correctly. This resource contains detailed information to help research groups learn more about skin swabbing as a welfare refinement, and how to establish a protocol for skin swabbing in their laboratory.

A stickleback being swabbed
Skin swabbing has also been validated as a refined method for collecting DNA from three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus).

Fin clipping and skin swabbing comparison table

 Traditional method: fin clippingRefined method: skin swabbing
Animal sizeLarvae > 3.5 mmCurrently validated for juvenile fish ≥ 20 mm
Sample collection time~60 seconds to anaesthetise and fin clip (not including time for recovery)~30 seconds to restrain, swab and return to holding tank
AnalgesiaRequired before and after procedure [2]Not required [8]
AnaesthesiaSurgical anaesthesia required, MS-222 (tricaine) commonly usedNot required
Extraction methodHotShot method, isopropanol extraction and commercial kitsHotShot method or isopropanol extraction; commercial kits are less effective
QuantityMedium (ng/µl), suitable for PCRLow (ng/µl), suitable for PCR
CostCost per sample is comparable to skin swabbing (e.g. using HotShot method). Reusable scalpels or scissors may be used for multiple fish.Cost per sample is comparable to fin clipping (e.g. using HotShot method). Consumable swabs are considerably cheaper than single-use scalpels; purchase of anaesthetic is not required.
Skill levelRequires training and individual authorisation; chemical restraint of the fish is necessary (anaesthesia)

Requires training; physical restraint of the fish is necessary


Ethical approvalLicensed procedure requiring Home Office approval in the UKLocal ethical approval needed, e.g. from the AWERB, IACUC or equivalent

Frequently asked questions

To answer your questions about zebrafish skin swabbing we spoke to experts in the swabbing technique, fish welfare and zebrafish genetics. Within the following FAQs the contributor is indicated by their initials (shown below).

  • Dr Will Norton (WN), Associate Professor of Animal Biology at the University of Leicester
  • Dr Gregory Paull (GP), Aquatic Facilities Manager and NACWO at the University of Exeter
  • Karin Finger-Baier (KFB), Staff Scientist at Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence
  • Professor Robert Kelsh (RK), Deputy Head of Life Sciences, University of Bath


See the Detailed skin swabbing protocol for information on how to carry out the swabbing technique to collect DNA from small-bodied fish species such as zebrafish. The protocol includes information on the equipment required and how to set it up, the preparation of reagents and DNA extraction.

You can also find useful tips for optimising swabbing within the FAQs on this page.


Watch the below video to see how the swabbing technique is performed using zebrafish. The same method can be applied to collect DNA samples from other small-bodied laboratory fishes.

Research papers on skin swabbing of laboratory fishes

Tilley C et al. (2021). Skin swabbing protocol to collect DNA samples from small-bodied fish species [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]. F1000Research 10:1064 doi: 10.12688/f1000research.73115.2

Tilley CA et al. (2020). Skin swabbing is a refined technique to collect DNA from model fish species. Scientific Reports 10(1): 1-17. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-75304-1

Venta PJ et al. (2020) A 13-plex of tetra-and penta-STRs to identify zebrafish. Scientific Reports 10(1): 1-7. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-60842-5

Breacker C et al. (2017). A low-cost method of skin swabbing for the collection of DNA samples from small laboratory fish. Zebrafish 14(1): 35-41. doi: 10.1089/zeb.2016.1348

Le Vin AL et al. (2011). Validation of swabs as a non‐destructive and relatively non‐invasive DNA sampling method in fish. Molecular Ecology Resources 11(1): 107-109. doi: 10.1111/j.1755-0998.2010.02909.x


We gratefully acknowledge the contributions of Dr Will Norton (University of Leicester), Dr Ceinwen Tilley (University of Leicester), Dr Gregory Paull (University of Exeter), Karin Finger-Baier (Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence), Professor Robert Kelsh (University of Bath), Dr Chrissy Hammond (University of Bristol), Mollie Millington (The Francis Crick Institute), Dr Stewart Owen (AstraZeneca), and Dr Anke Lange (University of Exeter).


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