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NC3Rs: National Centre for the Replacement Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research

Survey results: Supporting the Named Information Officer

Results from a survey of Named Information Officers conducted by the NC3Rs and the Laboratory Animal Science Association.


Under the UK Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 the Named Information Officer (NIO) is responsible for ensuring that staff working with animals have access to information specific to the species housed in their establishment and the procedures being performed [1]. According to guiding principles [2] the role of the NIO focuses on setting up and applying systems for information flow, and reviewing the local processes related to the use of animals in research. This includes information on implementing the 3Rs relevant to the research and species held at the establishment and as such the NIO is well placed to champion the 3Rs at a local level.

A recent report [3] commissioned by the NC3Rs to review how implementation of the 3Rs is supported by scientific peer review and regulatory approval processes surrounding animal research highlighted that there are significant gaps. The report highlighted that the role of the NIO needs to be better defined and resourced to help researchers and Animal Welfare Ethical Review Bodies (AWERBs) access key information on the 3Rs. These results formulate part of our evidence gathering on the support required for the NIO role.

Objectives of the study

In this survey we aimed to understand:

  • How the role of the NIO works in practice.
  • Additional support that might be required for NIOs to fulfil their responsibilities.


A survey was created in collaboration with the Laboratory Animal Science Association (LASA) Home Office Liaison, Training and Information Forum (HOLTIF) whose activities support NIOs. This survey has been reviewed by and approved through the Royal Veterinary College Social Science Research Ethical Review Board (ethics approval reference SR2023-0145). 

A link to the survey on Microsoft Forms was distributed via the LASA HOLTIF mailing list, the NC3Rs newsletter and NC3Rs social media platforms during the period November 2023 to January 2024. There were 33 questions in total, including a mixture of multiple choice and open-text formats. A copy of the full question set can be found alongside the full study data on the Open Science Framework repository DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/485TM


A total of 62 NIOs completed the survey, and all responses were included in the data analysis. Data described below includes all 62 responses, unless otherwise stated. Based on there being 139 licenced establishments in the UK [4] the response rate represents up to 44% of the NIO population at the time of writing (August 2024). 

Of the 62 responses, 61% work at academic establishments, 16% within industry or contract-research organisations, 15% within government-funded research units, and the remainder withheld the information or work elsewhere. Using the number of project (PPL) and personal (PIL) licences as a pseudo-measure of establishment size most establishments were small with fewer than 50 PPLs and 100 PILs. Species used at the respondent's establishments were primarily rodents (52 responses) and aquatic animals (33 responses), with roughly one third of responses also using other small (e.g. rabbits) or large (e.g. pigs) mammals. 

Results sections


The demographic information shows that responses to the survey represent different types of establishments, of different sizes and hosting a variety of species.

Individual NIOs come from a variety of different professional backgrounds and commonly hold more than one additional role/responsibility. It is commonplace to pair the NIO with other roles held by one individual and is likely contributing to the time-pressure acknowledged as a primary challenge by many.

Provision of information is the cornerstone purpose of the NIO role, and most NIOs regularly provide relevant information to those working with animals and the AWERB, with infrequent interaction with those not working with animals (e.g. communicating information on the use of animals at an establishment to the wider research community). Highlighting training opportunities for others is a key information topic, which also includes best practice guidance, APSA guidance and general 3Rs advice.

Aside from contributing to the AWERB functions (including PPL review), other activities of the NIO in practice are primarily responsive. The NIO circulates information that comes to them from other organisations, and they may respond to direct enquiries for information from those working with animals. The NIO may be restricted in the time they have available to carry out proactive activities, such as curation of information (e.g. creating a newsletter) or organising 3Rs-related events/meetings to share knowledge.

When asked to comment freely on the purpose and scope of their role, most responses agreed that identification, collection and dissemination of information are core functions. However, there is confusion over the identity of the role, as although half of the individuals agreed that the remit of the role should be different to current definitions, there was no consensus on whether there should be more or fewer aspects to the role.

Self-identified successes for NIOs related to sharing relevant information, changing behaviours or implementing refinements. Whereas self-identified challenges correspond to the support needs they have highlighted – a lack of time, confusion over the remit of the role, lack of awareness of the role by others and difficulties in accessing information they need.

Some NIOs have a budget associated with the role and they are broadly supported by other related roles and groups within establishments, mainly from named persons and the ELH. NIOs would like more support from their establishments in the form of time to carry out the role, support for enhancing the visibility of the role (particularly in relation to other named persons), guidance on key activities of the role, and additional funding to carry out activities.

With only half of the surveyed population having received training for the role in the past, and with all respondents regularly flagging training opportunities to others, there is notable appetite for additional training. The most popular training topic related to one of the key functions of the role outlined in the guidance [2] to ‘actively seek relevant information to disseminate’. With half of responses requesting training related to searching databases/literature for information on the use of animals in research (including the use of alternatives), suggesting some lack of confidence in this aspect of the role.

Outside of the bounds of establishments, organising regular events and opportunities specifically for the NIO was highly requested and would provide an ideal opportunity for networking and sharing experiences of activities, successes and challenges related to the role (networking was a repeated featured request in open-text responses). Respondents were also keen to receive more supportive resources including a dedicated newsletter for NIOs, a searchable online resource at their disposal and materials to disseminate. 


In conclusion, the survey results indicate that the individual NIO holds more than one role or responsibility, is time-poor, with variable understanding of the remit of their role. The NIO has some support from named persons and the ELH, but awareness from others on the scope and activities of the role is low. NIOs need further support from: 

  1. Their establishments to recognise the importance and awareness of the role in facilitating best practice and promoting the 3Rs within the local animal research community.
  2. External bodies (e.g. the Animals in Science Regulation Unit, LASA) to provide clearer direction on the extent of responsibilities associated with the role. 
  3. Additional resources and training, to increase their efficiency in accessing and disseminating information. 
  4. NIO-specific networking opportunities that bring the community together.

To begin to address some of the needs NIOs identified in the survey, the NC3Rs and the LASA HOLTIF section hosted an in-person workshop for the NIO community in September 2024.  Recordings of the talks along with short summaries are available on the NC3Rs website: Staying informed on advances in the 3Rs and animal research

A summary of the workshop discussion can be found in the Workshop report: Supporting the Named Information Officer.  
