Resources and activities around NAMs (replacement technologies used to assess drug and chemical safety).

Resources and activities around NAMs (replacement technologies used to assess drug and chemical safety).
Join our community of researchers, developers, industry and regulatory end-users working together to accelerate the use of new approach methodologies.
Learn more about what NAMs are and how they can be applied to progress the 3Rs.
Information and support for the adoption of alternative approaches and technologies.
A virtual workshop to raise awareness of currently available New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) and overcome barriers to implementation.
Find opportunities to collaborate on 3Rs projects via our innovation brokerage platform.
Supporting the uptake of new approach methodologies to reduce reliance on traditional animal toxicity tests
10 years of CRACK IT webinar: The Human In Vitro Gene Therapy Genotoxicity Testing service.
10 years of CRACK IT webinar: A human stem cell-based in vitro system to assess cardiotoxicity in new drugs.
10 years of CRACK IT webinar: The NephroScreen human kidney-on-a-chip platform, which could replace in vivo nephrotoxicity studies in drug development
10 years of CRACK IT webinar: an in silico platform developed to model chronic Leishmania infection.