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NC3Rs: National Centre for the Replacement Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research

NC3Rs webinar: Rodent Shelter CRACK IT Challenge funding competition launch


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This webinar will launch CRACK IT Challenge 49: Rodent Shelter and is for potential applicants eligible* to apply for CRACK IT Challenge funding. 


The CRACK IT Challenges competition spearheads the development of innovative 3Rs technologies by responding directly to the needs of end-users across the biosciences. Sponsors (end-users) define the Challenges and work collaboratively with the awarded team, providing in-kind contributions and end-user input to support project delivery. The Challenges have delivered products and services for the improvement of scientific data, increase the predictivity of models and reduce the reliance on animals.

CRACK IT products and previous Challenges can be found on our Innovation Platform. Case studies highlighting some of our success stories are showcased in our 10 years of CRACK IT: Webinar series.

Rodent Shelter

The post-operative care of rodents is critical to aid recovery and minimise any pain and distress. Rodents are often singly housed for a period during their recovery and cage enrichment items are removed to avoid injuries. There are opportunities to refine the care of rodents through improved monitoring of parameters such as body temperature and the housing environment after surgery.

Sponsored by AstraZeneca, the aim of this Challenge is to develop an easy-to-use and affordable shelter that provides warmth and a means to monitor the animals, which can use be used in any cage type to improve post-operative recovery and monitoring of rodents.

The webinar will give you an opportunity to learn more about the competition, ask the Sponsors questions and find out how to submit a competitive application. 

*Eligibility: The competition is open to any public or private body in the UK, European Union, European Economic Area, or European Free Trade Association. The competition follows the Innovate UK Contracts for Innovation process.