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NC3Rs: National Centre for the Replacement Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research

£4.85M to accelerate the use of non-animal approaches in research

Composite image showing examples of non-animal methods and products that can be non-animal derived, from left to right, antibodies, cell culture flask, computer screen and scaffold for 3D cell culture.

21 awards have been supported with funding from the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) to accelerate the uptake of non-animal approaches and replace animal-derived products in research and testing.

The NC3Rs has been pioneering the development, validation and adoption of models that apply the latest technological advances to replace animal use in research and testing for the past 20 years. The success of replacement approaches and the scientific benefits they can offer is one of the drivers behind decreasing animal use, with recent statistics showing that the number of scientific procedures involving living animals in Great Britain in 2023 was the lowest since 2001. 

Despite the fall in animal use, there can be significant barriers to the use of non-animal approaches and the new awards, totalling £4.85M, aim to help address this. The awards have been made possible by funding from DSIT, reflecting the government’s support for the scientific community to minimise laboratory animal use. The funding is focused on two key areas: providing infrastructure and validating the use of non-animal derived products. The awards include collaborations across disciplines, sectors and institutes nationwide.

“The NC3Rs has led the way for the past 20 years in developing, validating and promoting the adoption of non-animal approaches in the biosciences. This substantive investment from DSIT is a major landmark in our journey, enabling a step-change in infrastructure to advance the work at scale and paving the way for non-animal derived products to become the reagents of choice in in vitro studies.”

Professor Julia Buckingham CBE, NC3Rs Board Chair

Setting the foundations for change 

Infrastructure is key to bridge the gap between the development and widespread use of non-animal approaches. For a scientist, lab or institute to take up a model, they need specialist equipment, access to the necessary samples and reagents, and new skills, expertise and training. Providing the infrastructure required to support the use of non-animal approaches at scale requires significant investment. The 11 infrastructure awards, totalling £3.95M will set the foundations for sustained change and make non-animal approaches accessible to more scientists than ever before.

The era of animal-free in vitro 

In vitro approaches that use cells to model human physiology and disease, including 3D tissue models and organ-on-chips, are major routes to replace animal studies but often use products or reagents derived from animals to grow cells in the lab or to analyse experiments (e.g. foetal bovine serum or antibodies raised in animals). Animal-free alternatives are available but further action is needed to increase awareness and confidence in how they can be used. The ten awards totalling £905k are intended to support this step-change and pave the way for non-animal derived products to become the default choice for researchers.

Non-animal methods infrastructure awards: £3.95M

Non-animal derived product validation awards: £905k