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NC3Rs: National Centre for the Replacement Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research

Tox News: Issue 15, October 2023

In-person workshop: Applying the 3Rs to urinalysis assessments in toxicity studies

Tuesday 31 October 2023 
10.00 – 18.00 (GMT), central London 

Full agenda now available for our joint NC3Rs/Association for Comparative Clinical Pathology (ACCP) workshop to bring a fresh perspective on the value of urinalysis assessments in regulatory toxicology studies. 

The workshop will include introductory talks on methods of urine collection and the value of urinalysis for decision-making, a series of industry case studies from the pharmaceutical and agrochemical sectors and breakout sessions. 

The event is in-person and free to attend, but registration is essential. 

Submit your abstract during the registration process for the option to display a poster on refined procedures for urine collection, alternative methods for toxicity assessment, or specific case studies.

Apply now: CRACK IT 2023 Challenges

Applications are now open to solve four new CRACK IT Challenges in collaboration with 15 Sponsors from academia, pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. This year’s Challenges include a leap forward in organ-on-chip technology, new approach methodologies for toxicity testing of pharmaceuticals and chemicals and systems for a step change in behavioural and welfare assessment for mice. 

  • SensOoChip – Increasing the reproducibility and predictive power of organ-on-chips through multiparametric real-time monitoring and data modelling.
    Application deadline: Thursday 26 October, 12.00 (BST)
  • CrossDART – Multi-species in vitro developmental toxicity testing. 
    Application deadline: Thursday 26 October, 12.00 (BST) 
  • FET4Thyroid – A Fish Eleutheroembryo Test for thyroid activity. 
    Application deadline: Thursday 2 November, 12.00 (GMT)
  • aTRACKtive – Improved in vivo identification system for real-time, early-life individualised tracking and behavioural and welfare analysis in mice. 
    Application deadline: Thursday 2 November, 12.00 (GMT)

Find out more about the 2023 CRACK IT Challenges, each page includes a recording of the launch webinar.

TKDG one day face-to-face meeting

8 November 2023 
Leeds, UK 

If you are attending the Toxicokinetic Discussion Group (TKDG) one-day meeting in Leeds (UK) this November, please come and listen to Dr Helen Prior’s talk titled Microsampling for TK and other purposes: how widely is this adopted?

Register now for the TKDG one-day meeting.

American College of Toxicology (ACT) 44th Annual Meeting

12 – 15 November 2023 
Orlando, Florida, USA

 If you are attending the ACT 44th Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida (US) this November, please come and say hello to Dr Fiona Sewell and Helen at our booth in the exhibition hall – #118.

More information and registration: ACT 44th Annual Meeting.

Opportunities to join our Funding Panels from January 2024

We are currently inviting applications from talented researchers to join our Partnership and Impact, Studentship and Grant Assessment Panels. These Panels are responsible for assessing the scientific excellence and 3Rs impact of diverse, innovative applications for research and career development funding, and advising the budget holder on funding decisions. Applications from currently under-represented groups, including women and members of minority ethnic groups, and researchers with disabilities or long-term conditions are especially welcomed. 

Closing date to apply: Monday 20 November.

Technology Partn3Ring webinar: Present your 3Rs technology

Do you have a 3Rs technology and are seeking new partners and collaborators? Do you want to engage a diverse audience of potential end-users from across the biosciences? Present your research at our next Technology Partn3Ring webinar on Wednesday 15 November 2023, 14.00 (BST). 

Our Technology Partn3Ring webinar series provides a unique opportunity for researchers to share their latest 3Rs tool and technologies, gain feedback from potential end-users and to facilitate new collaborations.

To participate, you can: 

RSPCA workshop: Humane endpoints for fish in regulatory toxicology

16 November 2023 
Surrey, UK 

The RSPCA is holding a meeting in Surrey this November, which will focus on observing and interpreting clinical signs to implement humane endpoints in regulatory toxicology. Sessions will cover a series of relevant case studies, training for animal technicians, and the use of technology for monitoring.

More information and registration: RSPCA workshop.