A joint webinar from the NC3Rs/RSPCA Animals in Science department on refining the use of amphibians in research.

A joint webinar from the NC3Rs/RSPCA Animals in Science department on refining the use of amphibians in research.
Our self-assessment tools are currently under redevelopment. Find out more about this project and our future plans.
Guidance for those overseeing animal research at institutions on recognising 3Rs opportunities and putting them into practice.
Resources and activities around NAMs (replacement technologies used to assess drug and chemical safety).
Join our community of researchers, developers, industry and regulatory end-users working together to accelerate the use of new approach methodologies.
Learn more about what NAMs are and how they can be applied to progress the 3Rs.
Guidance on the role of the 3Rs Champion within the research community.
Checklists to assist funders in assessing whether animal research conducted overseas conforms to UK welfare standards.
How funding bodies can embed the 3Rs in their peer review process, including details of our review and advice service.
Information and guidance for the use of automated systems to monitoring the behaviour of animals in preclinical research.
Posters and other resources on the use of grimace scales to assess pain in laboratory animals.
Guidance document on opportunities to reduce and refine the use of GA mice through cryopreservation and sharing.
Reporting guidelines for animal experiments, and additional resources to support their use.
A webinar introducing our two 3Rs self-assessment tools; one for research groups and the other for research institutions.
Practical resources to ensure that the 3Rs are considered and kept a priority when services are disrupted.
Promoting an institution-wide commitment to animal welfare.
Our approach to ensuring transparency in our work and its outputs.
Promoting values and behaviours that support an institution-wide commitment to the 3Rs.
A webinar introducing the revised ARRIVE guidelines, the items in the ARRIVE Essential 10, and relevant resources.
To support the adoption of non-aversive methods for picking up mice, we have produced an A2-sized poster for display.
Expectations of the major UK research council and charitable funding bodies for those working with vertebrates in biosciences research.
Videos from our May 2018 workshop on experimental design for panel members of the NC3Rs, BBSRC, CRUK, MRC and Wellcome Trust.
Guidelines on non-human primate accommodation, care and use adopted by the major UK bioscience funders.
Seven related principles that all research institutions should adopt or consider.