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NC3Rs: National Centre for the Replacement Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research

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187 results

Approaches for sampling blood in the hamster, covering non-surgical, surgical and terminal techniques.

Close up of a golden hamster in a cardboard tube in its home cage, with an icon of a needle and syringe on a yellow background in the corner of the image.

Approaches for sampling blood in the rabbit, covering non-surgical and terminal techniques.

Two white rabbits in an enclosure, one of which is standing on top of a shelter, with an icon of a needle and syringe on a yellow background in the corner of the image.

Approaches for sampling blood in the guinea pig, covering non-surgical, surgical and terminal techniques.

Close up of a white guinea pig with black and orange patches in its home cage, with an icon of a needle and syringe on a yellow background in the corner of the image.

Approaches for sampling blood in the pig, covering non-surgical and surgical techniques.

A piglet standing next to a sleeping adult pig, with an icon of a needle and syringe on a yellow background in the corner of the image.

Approaches for sampling blood in the marmoset, covering non-surgical and terminal techniques.

Two marmosets in an outdoor enclosure, with an icon of a needle and syringe on a yellow background in the corner of the image.

Paper clarifies that the forced swim test is not a regulatory requirement for the development of new antidepressants (NC3Rs & MHRA project).


Amanda Novak (Edinburgh) presents advice on good surgical technique and refinements to incorporate into rodent stereotactic surgery procedures.

Webinar title slide: Refining rodent stereotactic surgeries