Bibliography and relevant resources for those working in the field of toxicology and regulatory sciences.

Bibliography and relevant resources for those working in the field of toxicology and regulatory sciences.
Using exposure science to refine and reduce animal use, and support the uptake of new approach methodologies
Quarterly e-newsletter to keep the scientific community updated on news from the NC3Rs Toxicology and Regulatory Sciences programme.
Projects to ensure that the in vivo tests involved in ED assessment are as robust as possible, particularly focusing on aquatic species.
Resources and activities around NAMs (replacement technologies used to assess drug and chemical safety).
Join our community of researchers, developers, industry and regulatory end-users working together to accelerate the use of new approach methodologies.
Learn more about what NAMs are and how they can be applied to progress the 3Rs.
A set of resources to support the adoption of the 3Rs in quality control and batch release testing of vaccines and biological therapeutics
Information and support for the adoption of alternative approaches and technologies.
Key results and recommendations from an EPAA/MEB/NC3Rs collaboration focused on chronic toxicity studies for monoclonal antibodies (mAbs).
A webinar to highlight available opportunities to minimising non-human primate use in drug development.
Opportunities to reduce the use of non-human primates in toxicology programmes.
A series of workshops as part of our project to implement the 3Rs in WHO guidelines.
Webinar showcasing ongoing and novel initiatives that replace, reduce and/or refine fish acute toxicity studies.
A virtual workshop to raise awareness of currently available New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) and overcome barriers to implementation.
Reducing and refining acute toxicity tests in the pharmaceutical and chemicals industries.
Providing an evidence base to refine and reduce the use of vertebrates in (regulatory) ecotoxicology studies
Supporting the uptake of new approach methodologies to reduce reliance on traditional animal toxicity tests
Guidance on reducing or refining animal use for studies with cardiovascular, central nervous system and respiratory functional measurements.
Projects providing guidance to reduce animal use or refine procedures within toxicology studies.
10 years of CRACK IT webinar: The Human In Vitro Gene Therapy Genotoxicity Testing service.
Paper clarifies that the forced swim test is not a regulatory requirement for the development of new antidepressants (NC3Rs & MHRA project).
10 years of CRACK IT webinar: A human stem cell-based in vitro system to assess cardiotoxicity in new drugs.
10 years of CRACK IT webinar: The NephroScreen human kidney-on-a-chip platform, which could replace in vivo nephrotoxicity studies in drug development