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NC3Rs: National Centre for the Replacement Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research

Who we are

The NC3Rs is a UK-based scientific organisation that works nationally and internationally with the research community to replace, refine and reduce the use of animals in research and testing.
A scientist looking down a binocular microscope

We collaborate with scientists and organisations from across the life sciences sector, nationally and internationally, including universities, the pharmaceutical, chemical and consumer products industries, other research funders, and regulatory authorities.

We support the commitment of the scientific community to the 3Rs by funding research and early career development, supporting open innovation and the commercialisation of 3Rs technologies, and stimulating changes in policy, regulations and practice.

Equality, diversity and inclusion in the NC3Rs

Supporting an inclusive and diverse working and research environment is a priority for the NC3Rs. We learn from and value the perspectives of the diverse range of collaborators and partners we work with, which in turn strengthens our activities, stimulates innovation, informs our decision making and ultimately helps us achieve our goals.

What will we do?

We will work to ensure that our internal processes and science programmes actively embed equality, diversity and inclusion and we are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive organisational culture that provides equal opportunities and empowers every individual to reach their full potential in line with UKRI strategy.