Registration Details
Dr Natalie Burden, NC3Rs' Programme Manager for Environmental Safety, will be attending the Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Europe 2023 meeting in Dublin. She is a co-author for six presentations across several sessions.
The team from aQuaTox-Solutions GmbH/Eawag awarded Phase 2 funding for the CRACK IT SAFE (innovative Safety Assessment of Fish adverse Effects) Challenge will be presenting their work on the project in session 1.01.
Data-Driven Environmental Decision-Making: Generating Relevant Datasets for Regulatory Assessment of Endocrine-Disruption.
Session 6.03: Wednesday 03 May, 08.45 – 18.45
- Poster (presenting author): Control performance of medaka extended one generation test designs
- Poster: Potential information requirements for endocrine disruption assessment under REACH: The reliance on animal data
- Platform: Are changes in vitellogenin concentrations in fish reliable indicators of chemical-induced endocrine activity?
Using New Approach Methods to Move from Descriptive to Mechanistic Ecotoxicology.
Session 1.14: Wednesday 03 May, 08.45 – 18.45
- Poster: One Substance, One Assessment – Unachievable ambition or an opportunity for NAMs not to be missed?
Human and Veterinary Pharmaceuticals in the Environment – Risk, Prioritisation & New Insights.
Session 3.13: Wednesday 03 May, 08.45 – 18.45
Advances in Bioaccumulation Science and Assessment.
Session 3.01: Thursday 04 May, 08.45 – 14.00
Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing for Ecotoxicity Assessments: Exploring Approaches and Avenues for the Future.
Session 1.01: Tuesday 02 May, 08.45 – 18.45
- Poster: Development of a modular, cell line-based framework for the animal-free prediction of chemical toxicity to fish
- Platform: Development of a novel computational pipeline to identify biomarkers of reproductive toxicity in fish
Learn more about our work in this area
- Our programme in Environmental Safety Testing.
- Toxicology and regulatory science resources.