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NC3Rs: National Centre for the Replacement Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research

NC3Rs at the WCP2023


Registration Details

Event date and time
World Congress of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology
Glasgow, Scotland

If you are attending the 19th World Congress of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology in Glasgow, the NC3Rs will be discussing the importance of experimental design and our work implementing the 3Rs in biologics testing.

Changing research practice: How can I make my research more reproducible?

Monday 03 July, 9.30  – 10.45
Innovation Theatre

Dr Nathalie Percie du Sert, NC3Rs Head of Experimental Design and Reporting, will discuss the importance of robust experimental design and the ARRIVE guidelines for reproducible studies. Nathalie’s talk is part of a ‘career bootcamp’ session organised by the British Pharmacological Society to support early career researchers.

Safety Pharmacology for the 21st Century – new technologies and approaches supporting safety and predictivity within drug discovery and development

Monday 03 July, 9.45  – 12.10
Hall 1

Co-chaired by NC3Rs Scientific Advisor Dr Helen Prior, and Dr Andrea Greiter-Wilke, SPS Vice President Elect, Roche (Switzerland) this session includes talks from industry and academia about innovative methods for safety pharmacology.

Global strategy for accelerating the implementation of alternatives methods (3Rs) in the quality control of vaccines and other biologics

Wednesday 05 July, 13.35 – 16.00
Lomond Auditorium

Co-chaired by NC3Rs Director of Science and Technology, Dr Anthony Holmes, and Dr Mario Landys of the Instituto Finlay de Vacunas (Cuba), this session includes talks from industry and regulatory bodies on replacing, reducing and refining the use of animals for testing of biologics.

Dr Elliot Lilley from the NC3Rs will give a talk titled 'Review of animal testing requirements in WHO Guidelines and Recommendations for biologicals: a proposal to implement 3Rs principles'.