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NC3Rs: National Centre for the Replacement Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research

Non-animal approaches in infection and immunity


Registration Details

Event date and time
The Togeth3R Consortium
Togeth3R webinar series_Non-animal approaches in infection and immunity

This webinar has reached capacity (1,000 registrants) and registrations are now closed. 

A recording of the session will be available within one week on The Togeth3R Consortium webpage.

Registration remains open for further webinars in this series. Due to demand, we recommend registering as soon as possible:

The latest webinar series from The Togeth3R Consortium of European 3Rs centres will showcase non-animal approaches in research fields associated with high levels of animal use across four sessions. In each webinar we will hear from three researchers about the scientific benefits and replacement impacts of their models, before a panel discussion where you can ask your questions about developing and using non-animal methods in your field of research. Learn more about the series in our news item: Non-animal approaches across Europe.

This webinar explores the development and application of non-animal approaches in infection and immunity, including organoids to research host-microbe interactions, using human cells in vaccine development and digital twins of autoimmune disease. The immune system is the second highest area of animal use for basic research in the UK and Europe with researchers often relying on animals to model the complexity of the immune system and pathogen-host interactions. 


Wednesday 26 February, 13.00 – 14.20 (GMT)/14.00 – 15.20 (CET)

  • Prof Sina Bartfeld – Technische Universität Berlin, Germany: Infection, innate immune signalling and cancer in the gut – Organoids as models.

  • Dr Rachel Tanner – University of Oxford, UK: A cross-species ex vivo assay for tuberculosis vaccine testing.

  • Prof Anna Niarakis – University of Toulouse III, Paul Sabatier, Center of Integrative Biology, France: Building a virtual twin of the rheumatic joint.

  • A Q&A panel discussion will be facilitated by Rasmus Normann Nielsen, Head of Communication at the Danish 3R-Center.