Registration Details

The latest webinar series from The Togeth3R Consortium of European 3Rs centres will showcase non-animal approaches in research fields associated with high levels of animal use across four sessions. In each webinar we will hear from three researchers about the scientific benefits and replacement impacts of their models, before a panel discussion where you can ask your questions about developing and using non-animal methods in your field of research. Learn more about the series in our news item: Non-animal approaches across Europe.
This webinar explores the development and application of non-animal approaches in cardiovascular science, including using human cardiac tissue and stem cells and computational modelling of cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular, blood and lymphatic system research is the fourth highest area of animal use for basic research in the UK and Europe with researchers often relying on animals to study the causes and treatments for heart disease and test drugs for cardiac side effects.
Wednesday 19 March, 13.00 – 14.20 (GMT)/14.00 – 15.20 (CET)
Prof Milica Radisic – University of Toronto, Canada/Berlin Institute of Health at Charité, Germany: Advanced heart-on-a-chip models in disease modeling and drug screening.
Prof Chris Denning – University of Nottingham, UK: Human stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes for cardiotoxicity screens.
Dr Caglar Ozturk – University of Southampton, UK: High fidelity computational approaches to model cardiovascular diseases.
- A Q&A panel discussion will be facilitated by Dr Axelle Cooreman from the Innovation Centre-3Rs, Vrije Universiteit Brussels.
Explore other webinars in this series:
Non-animal approaches in infection and immunity, Wednesday 26 February.
Non-animal approaches in oncology, Wednesday 5 March.
Non-animal approaches in neuroscience, Wednesday 12 March.