Latest news from the NC3Rs: July 2022
In this edition
- The NC3Rs strategy: 2022 to 2024
- 3Rs Prize event: Recording available
- Vacancy: Communications Science Manager
- Vacancy: NC3Rs Board members
- Non-animal technologies funding call: Application form
- 2022 CRACK IT Challenges: Coming soon
- Virtual demonstration of the EDA
- Microsampling in Toxicology: Maximising the scientific, business and 3Rs advantages
- Primate Welfare Meeting: Abstract deadline
- RSPCA zebrafish survey
The NC3Rs strategy: 2022 to 2024
We have published our strategy taking us up to the end of 2024. It includes an exciting programme of work that focuses on new activities to boost our work on the uptake of replacement technologies, as well as championing high standards in in vivo research. The strategy highlights the importance of global collaboration and cross-sector partnerships and sets ambitious targets for the team to deliver.
3Rs Prize event: Recording available
Last week we held a virtual event to congratulate the winners of our International 3Rs Prize, sponsored by GSK. Both researchers gave presentations on their work to an audience of attendees from all over the world. If you were unable to join us, a recording is now available. The topics presented were:
- Winner, Dr Daniel Ferreira: An alternative technology making organ-on-a-chip systems more accessible to labs worldwide.
- Highly commended, Dr Ben Newland: A method to induce focal lesions in tissue slices to create an ex vivo model of multiple sclerosis.
Vacancy: Communications Science Manager
Recently completed your PhD and looking to get into the world of science communication? We are currently recruiting for a Communications Science Manager to help us promote the work of the NC3Rs to the scientific community, media and general public. A great opportunity to work across a diverse range of communications channels and scientific disciplines.
Application deadline: Friday 29 July.
Vacancy: NC3Rs Board members
Are you interested in supporting and shaping the future direction of the NC3Rs? We are currently recruiting for new members to join our Board from 1 January 2023. One of the new appointments will also be appointed as Chair of the CRACK IT Advisory Panel.
Application deadline: Thursday 8 September.
Non-animal technologies funding call: Application form
We are collaborating with BBSRC to fund the development and use of next generation non-animal technologies in bioscience research as alternatives to in vivo models. The application form is now available on Je-S. More information on the scope of the call, eligibility criteria and application process is available on our funding pages, along with a recording of the applicants webinar for those interested in applying.
2022 CRACK IT Challenges: Coming soon
This year’s Challenges will soon be announced, along with details of how to apply. CRACK IT is our open innovation funding competition designed to solve business and scientific Challenges which will deliver 3Rs benefits. Look out for our announcement and details of the subsequent launch events in future newsletters.
Further information about the CRACK IT Challenges competition process and previous Challenges can be found on the NC3Rs Innovation Platform.
Virtual demonstration of the EDA
Wednesday 27 July 2022, 16.00 – 17.00 (BST)
The Experimental Design Assistant is a free online tool which can help you to design robust experiments. To find out more on how to use the system, including recent updates to help plan experiments using both sexes, register for our next virtual demonstration.
Microsampling in Toxicology: Maximising the scientific, business and 3Rs advantages
Thursday 15 September 2022, 14.00 – 16.00 (BST)
Hear from pharmaceutical and agrochemical industry experts on how microsampling is being implemented within their studies and future opportunities for adoption of this blood sampling technique. Originally a session at the BTS 2022 congress, this webinar opens up the topic to those interested in microsampling within toxicity studies all over the world.
Primate Welfare Meeting: Abstract deadline
Tuesday 8 November, central London/online
The 2022 NC3Rs Primate Welfare Meeting will be held as a hybrid event with live streaming alongside in-person sessions. This event focuses on sharing the latest best practice in the breeding, care and use of non-human primates for research purposes. Submit your abstract submission for oral or poster presentations by Monday 1 August.
RSPCA zebrafish survey
Do you work with zebrafish? The RSPCA are running a survey to understand the types of environmental enrichment in common use and barriers to uptake. The survey is completely anonymous and should only take about ten minutes to complete.
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