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NC3Rs | 20 Years: Pioneering Better Science

Apply now for this year’s International 3Rs Prize

"Apply now for the International 3Rs Prize" on a blue background with white icons representing the work of the NC3Rs (e.g. mice, cells, organs)

Is your research making a big difference to the 3Rs? Wherever you are in the world, if you have published an outstanding paper with demonstrable 3Rs impacts in the last three years, we want you to apply for this year’s International 3Rs Prize.

This globally recognised award is sponsored by GSK and consists of a £28k prize grant and a £2k personal award. It is awarded annually to highlight the contributions of individual researchers across the medical, biological and veterinary sciences, and further support the development of their work and career.

"The prize is really prestigious, and serves as a testament of my commitment to the 3Rs."

Dr Marta Shahbazi, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, joint 2019 winner

Who can apply?

Any researcher in academia or industry at any stage in their career, anywhere in the world, can apply for the Prize. Papers submitted must be based on primary research, and should have been published in a peer-reviewed journal between 1 September 2018 and 1 September 2021 or be in press by 1 September 2021. We welcome submissions of papers where the main purpose of the research was to achieve a 3Rs impact, as well as those where the 3Rs impacts were a secondary benefit.

Why should I apply?

Applying for the International 3Rs Prize gives you the chance to:

  • Be recognised for your 3Rs and scientific impacts on the international stage.
  • Receive funding to further develop and disseminate your work.
  • Join a growing list of outstanding researchers recognised by the prize.

But don’t just take our word for it… here’s what some of our past 3Rs Prize winners had to say.

"The main impact on my career has been the increased visibility of my work… as an early career researcher, it helped to validate that my work was worthwhile."

Dr Joanna Makowska, University of British Columbia, 2016 winner

"The prize gave me the opportunity to talk about my work to a range of media from industry newsletters to scientific blogs. It also gave me the confidence to pursue grant applications and apply for promotion."

Dr Francesca Nunn, Moredun Research Institute, joint 2019 winner

"Since winning the Prize, I have met many people interested in applying/translating our in silico methodologies to their own research field. This allowed me to broaden my expertise and ideas, and contributed to increase the impact of our research."

Dr Elisa Passini, University of Oxford, 2017 winner

How do I apply?

To be considered for this year’s award, complete and submit our short application form describing your work, its 3Rs and scientific impacts, and how you would use the prize grant. Guidance is available to help you ensure you are showcasing your work to its fullest extent.

The deadline to submit your application is Wednesday 6 April. Visit to learn more and apply.

"Go for it! If you are passionately committed to having a real impact on the 3Rs and have some evidence for this, consider applying."

Professor Rickie Patani, University College London and the Francis Crick Institute, 2018 winner

Learn more about researchers previously recognised by the 3Rs Prize.

2016 Prize winner: Dr Joanna Makowska. Joanna is seen in front of a poster describing her work. She is holding up her prize certificate.