Supporting 3Rs approaches in biologicals testing Current contact: Dr Elliot Lilley Office-led project
Replacing sentinel animals with environmental health monitoring Current contact: Dr Khia Dobbinson Office-led project
Review of the value of urinalysis assessments in toxicity studies Current contact: Dr Fiona Sewell Office-led project
Review of the use of two species in regulatory toxicology studies: Phase II - molecules following ICH M3(R2) Office-led project
Assessing the resource and animal use implications of new EU REACH endocrine disruptor assessment information requirements Current contact: Dr Natalie Burden Office-led project
Accelerating the uptake of non-animal derived antibodies Current contact: Dr Rachel Eyre Office-led project
Review of animal use requirements in WHO biologics guidelines Current contact: Dr Elliot Lilley Office-led project
Identifying and addressing challenges in fish vitellogenin assessment Current contact: Dr Natalie Burden Office-led project
Re-evaluating the need for mAb chronic toxicity studies Current contact: Dr Fiona Sewell Office-led project
Review of the use of two species in regulatory toxicology studies Current contact: Dr Elisa Passini Office-led project
Supporting the adoption of microphysiological systems for COVID research Current contact: Dr Anthony Holmes Office-led project