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NC3Rs: National Centre for the Replacement Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research

Training and Engagement team

Our Training and Engagement team facilitate the uptake of the 3Rs into research practice. We provide training, advice and support across the UK for any institution in academia or industry.

Our Training and Engagement team can support you with:

Free 3Rs training 

Browse our free 3Rs training page for workshops developed and delivered by the Training and Engagement team for a range of audiences including postgraduate students, early career researchers and animal technologists.

Applying the 3Rs in practice

Get help with using and applying NC3Rs resources, through to support for named persons and 3Rs Champions, and more.

Exchanging 3Rs knowledge

Share and showcase your 3Rs advances, receive guidance on overcoming local 3Rs challenges or get support for Named Information Officers.

Cultivating a supportive culture for the 3Rs

Get personalised advice on completing a 3Rs self-assessment and developing and implementing a 3Rs strategy.


Get in touch with the Training and Engagement team at for more information.

The Training and Engagement team regularly deliver free 3Rs training in person and online, covering a range of topics including animal research ethics and experimental design. Visit our training pages to find out more.

A white rat in an enclosure