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NC3Rs | 20 Years: Pioneering Better Science

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181 results

Guidance on non-aversive methods for handling mice. Includes tutorials, FAQs and tips for implementation.

Three black mice, one of them is being handled with a clear plastic tunnel

Guidelines on implementing the 3Rs in both field and captive studies.

Two wild frogs
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Two laboratory technicians looking at a sample

Approaches for sampling blood in the ferret, covering surgical and terminal techniques.

Close up of a brown and white ferret's face, with an icon of a needle and syringe on a yellow background in the corner of the image.

The positive impact playpens have on laboratory rat welfare, and guidance on how to set one up in your institution.

A tall cage which has been used to create a rat playpen. There are three different tiers with ladders to allow the rats to climb up between each one. A number of white rats can be seen moving between the different levels. Enrichment and play objects are available on each level including an cardboard box that used to hold laboratory gloves, coloured balls, tubes, a wheel and a raised platform on the top level with some bedding material.

Reducing and refining acute toxicity tests in the pharmaceutical and chemicals industries.

A white mouse on a technician's gloved hands

Providing an evidence base to refine and reduce the use of vertebrates in (regulatory) ecotoxicology studies

A group of young rainbow trout

Using exposure science to refine and reduce animal use, and support the uptake of new approach methodologies

A lister hooded rat (black head white body) seen in a standard rat housing cage. The rat is standing on a plastic box and is looking out of the open cage lid.

Guidance on reducing or refining animal use for studies with cardiovascular, central nervous system and respiratory functional measurements.

A beagle at an indoor play area