Is it necessary and how could it affect your data and animal welfare? A workshop recording featuring academic and industry experts.

Is it necessary and how could it affect your data and animal welfare? A workshop recording featuring academic and industry experts.
Practical resources to ensure that the 3Rs are considered and kept a priority when services are disrupted.
Guidance on modifying our example protocols to design your own studies.
Guidance on using preference tests to evaluate environmental enrichment.
General principles for welfare assessments.
Guidance on using motivation tests to evaluate environmental enrichment.
Using ethograms, preference tests and motivation tests to evaluate enrichment, including example protocols.
An introduction to assessing the welfare impact of new enrichment.
The welfare benefits of double-decker rodent cages in allowing rats to engage in natural behaviours.
Guidance on the transport of laboratory animals, including non-human primates.
Guidance document on opportunities to reduce and refine the use of GA mice through cryopreservation and sharing.
Guidance for those overseeing animal research at institutions on recognising 3Rs opportunities and putting them into practice.
A high level introduction to best practice in mouse colony management, including confirming, archiving and maintaining mouse strains.
Guidance on how to conduct an evaluation of environmental enrichment.
Archiving can provide a back-up to production colonies, minimise genetic drift, reduce the need for tick-over colonies and preserve valuable models.
Key issues for the humane killing of laboratory animals.
Results from a survey of the Named Information Officer community in the UK, collected and published in 2024.
Practical advice on calculating how many matings to set up, including available breeding calculator tools.
Professor Jane Hurst and Mr John Waters answer your questions about the refined handling techniques.
Guidance on using ethograms to evaluate environmental enrichment, including examples.
Information and resources on malocclusion in mice to improve welfare within a research setting.
Answers to some of the most often asked questions on breeding and maintaining GA mouse colonies.
Minimising the influence of bias and understanding the limitations of an evaluation.
The positive impact playpens have on laboratory rat welfare, and guidance on how to set one up in your institution.