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NC3Rs: National Centre for the Replacement Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research

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73 results

Is it necessary and how could it affect your data and animal welfare? A workshop recording featuring academic and industry experts.

Webinar cover slide

A high level introduction to best practice in mouse colony management, including confirming, archiving and maintaining mouse strains.

White icons of a magnifying glass focused on a mouse, on a blue background

Archiving can provide a back-up to production colonies, minimise genetic drift, reduce the need for tick-over colonies and preserve valuable models.

A white sperm and egg icon on a blue background

Key issues for the humane killing of laboratory animals.

A laboratory technician and a rat in a tank

Practical advice on calculating how many matings to set up, including available breeding calculator tools.

A mouse illustration with maths symbols and numbers

Professor Jane Hurst and Mr John Waters answer your questions about the refined handling techniques.


Information and resources on malocclusion in mice to improve welfare within a research setting.

One mouse exhibiting healthy teeth and another exhibiting unhealthy, maloccluded teeth

The positive impact playpens have on laboratory rat welfare, and guidance on how to set one up in your institution.

A tall cage which has been used to create a rat playpen. There are three different tiers with ladders to allow the rats to climb up between each one. A number of white rats can be seen moving between the different levels. Enrichment and play objects are available on each level including an cardboard box that used to hold laboratory gloves, coloured balls, tubes, a wheel and a raised platform on the top level with some bedding material.